Travellers can play their part, too, by being aware of suspicious activity and supporting companies that have taken a stand against sex tourism and child exploitation.
We saw it in the campaign to get corporations to withdraw from the American Legislative Exchange Council, a pro-market organization of state legislators that found itself branded racist for supporting state voter-ID and stand-your-ground laws.
Captain Dhoni played the supporting role during a sixth-wicket stand of 224 after left-hander Yuvraj Singh (68) had begun the rescue act by adding 125 for the fifth wicket with Dravid.
The article demonstrates the serious risks from uninformed regulatory intrusion that the U.S. natural gas industry will continue to face until government regulators stand up and defend the science supporting this well studied process.
If Russian officials have concerns about the implementation of this agreement, we stand ready to work with them to improve it and remain committed to supporting inter-country adoptions between our two countries.
Both scores were engineered by Humphreys, the first courtesy of a fine side-step that allowed the stand-off to release wing Nagusa, who combined well with Tuohy to send the supporting lock over.