The other: the majority said the Supreme Court had the right to decide the case.
However, the US Supreme Court justices decided 6-3 that he had overstepped his authority.
During oral arguments before the Supreme Court, Solicitor General Seth Waxman acknowledged it is.
McRae, a very different Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment by a slim five-to-four vote.
Dreyling, who says he did consult his CPA, has appealed to the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Judge Janice Rogers Brown has served on the California Supreme Court for nine years.
The Supreme Court has now allowed the diocese to appeal in order to blame another Catholic diocese.
Joining us to talk about this case and a few other Supreme Court decisions is Emily Bazelon.
Haasan has said he will now appeal against the latest ban in the Supreme Court.
And in June the Supreme Court will vote on the Defense of Marriage Act.
On Monday, India's Supreme court rejected the firm's appeal to get patent protection for the drug.
BBC: Novartis: India rejects patent plea for cancer drug Glivec
Having lost at the Supreme Court, civil rights groups say they will try Congress next.
That judgment was reversed in 2011 after going to the U.S. Supreme Court twice.
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Most recently, the Supreme Court found against the government in United States v.
Chief Justice Jim Hannah is currently serving as Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.
The Sandinista-run Supreme Electoral Council maintains that 90 percent of the eligible voters have been registered.
But Bishop said the Supreme Court should take up the opportunity to set him right.
FORBES: Manufacturers Hope SCOTUS Takes Up The Case Of The Smelly Washer
He can also appeal in the high court and then in the Supreme Court.
Scientific Atlanta, the high-profile securities case scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court this week.
If "equal opportunity" means anything, the Supreme Court must let Cleveland's school choice plan stand.
Concerns came to a head following the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court case of Kelo v.
Liivak thinks the Supreme Court, or possibly Congress, should consider a similar approach toward gene patents.
FORBES: What If They Treated Gene Patents Like Nautical Charts?
The Supreme Court decision could set free the dream of personalized medicine or shut it down.
In a media marketplace heavy on celebrity news, stories are interesting, but pictures reign supreme.
In April 2010, the Supreme Court upheld a 2007 federal court move to overturn his pardon.
Of note: the delicate lobster-and-scallion mix from Shanghai, and the spicy chicken supreme with Hunan seasonings.
While the Supreme Court will be reviewing an estate tax case, Windsor v.
The Supreme Court will make the final decision on Verkuil's recommendation during its next term.
And the Supreme Court ruled that the US government could classify Hamdi as an enemy combatant.
The Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of pre-emption in securities and medical device cases.