And I really appreciated the way that the syntax flowed in that particular translation.
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Of course, faulty syntax by itself has never been an impediment to successful advertising.
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This is not meant to be a lesson in syntax, but a lesson in psychology.
Mr Grunfeld became a naturalised Briton, but never lost his accent, or his German syntax.
Normal syntax is designed for a law-abiding reality, for a reality that is organized temporally, spatially, and causally.
The potential threat to secular democracy lies in the party's insistence on re-working the syntax of political debate.
The two languages are as different in structure and syntax as can be, and evolved in very different cultures.
You need to know the principles of the language and the syntax before you can write your own code.
Mr Brown is a source of neither elegant Whartonian syntax, nor the serene reflections of his closer kin, Ernest Hemingway.
Marco Roldan, for example, has been in America for 22 years but still has a Guatemalan accent and odd syntax.
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It documented the grammar, syntax, and lexicon of a language that Quijada had spent three decades inventing in his spare time.
In dreams, these laws are suspended, which means that, to represent the dream life, normal syntax has to be suspended, too.
Simple language can be elegant, and deceptively plain declarative syntax is capable of hinting at a rich emotional complexity teeming underneath.
He apparently learnt German without visiting Germany to pick up its idioms, and the result sounded wooden, though the syntax was flawless.
From our earliest days in the classroom we are trained to focus on enunciation, vocabulary, presence, delivery, grammar, syntax and the like.
The first five weeks were almost all pair-programming all the time, which was really helpful for problem-solving and learning Python syntax, processes, etc.
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But Gore's attempts to adapt his voice, syntax and vocabulary for different audiences appears to have opened a new dimension to the art of electioneering.
Much of this comes in the language of the game, in the syntax of grips and spins, and in the vocabulary of volleys and lobs.
In other words, he sliced apart the connections, jumbled the syntax.
What matters, surely, is Mr Bush's record rather than his syntax.
For Michel Reilhac, Head of Cinema at ARTE (France), we are in a moment of major change, without syntax or language for the new environment.
The message posted to Hacker News used a search syntax that exposed a system used by Facebook that lets users quickly log back in to their account.
Verbal and written expression is often taken for granted, as though it magically appeared at some point in time with an already vast vocabulary and set syntax.
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One eloquent English teacher in Los Angeles recently called a radio show complaining that, after extensive study, she could not understand the ballot measures on grounds of syntax.
By testing concepts on paper I came up with a 'noun' stack (operators like numbers and variable names) and 'verb' stack (every other element in the syntax chart).
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So the next time someone tells you that the Internet is making us stupid, respond that our visual syntax and grammar is more sophisticated than it has ever been.
On the one hand, they are legitimate because people have signed up to receive them, they come from reputable web domains and have the same syntax as real messages.
The valleys of the Caucasus used to be a paradise for linguists in search of unusual syntax, but Ubykh, one of the region's baffling tongues, officially expired in 1992.