Massachusetts: A law bans the disposal of medical sharps (needles, syringes and lancets) in household trash.
This is more expensive than buying bottles of insulin and filling syringes as needed.
Insulin syringes are expensive, and many patients want to reuse needles to save money.
By then, cheap, plastic syringes were in wide use, but they weren't usually sterilized.
The tasks can be sophisticated, too, from monitoring respiratory devices to cleaning catheters and preparing syringes.
Dutrow told a hearing officer he didn't know how the syringes got into his desk.
The veterinary bills, plus the shelves of painkillers, antibiotics, syringes, and thermometers, had run into the thousands.
In one campaign, French doctors used six syringes to inject 80, 000 African workers with a medicine for sleeping sickness.
You are right that the reuse of insulin syringes and lancets is dangerous.
Anti-virus software has long played up its medical overtones, with talk of vaccination and inoculation, and logos involving syringes.
You fashion powerup syringes out of local flora and bigger ammo pouches out of the skins of mighty predators.
Their lawyers have argued that the infections stemmed from poor hygiene at the hospital where syringes are reused many times.
One of the physicians then produced a handful of syringes, King said.
The group offers free HIV tests, condoms and crucially - clean syringes.
Naloxone comes in a pack containing the drug in syringes and the packs were supplied by the PHA to local health trusts.
BBC: Life-saving drug not administered by two NI health trusts
These pre-filled syringes are especially convenient for patients who have visual impairment.
Yet it is short of such basic necessities as syringes and antibiotics.
There is undoubtedly waste in the system but I visited a hospital near Piraeus two days ago that had a shortage of syringes, dressings and basic drugs.
Dr. O'BROCHTA: Mosquitoes aren't just flying syringes for malaria transmission.
As Wall Street drooled over new-economy industries, Mr Kozlowski dug into less glamorous work, buying struggling firms in businesses such as pipes and valves, water sprinklers, fire extinguishers, syringes and nappies.
He was arrested this month in New Hampshire in connection with stealing drugs from a hospital, and it's believed he infected 30 people in that state with hepatitis C through infected syringes.
In other green tech news, 3Doodler launched the world's first 3D-printing pen and a group of teens are working on turning mosquitos into "flying syringes" to deliver vaccines to humans.
Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) ripped into McNamee for past lies that he has admitted to, while professing "amazement" that McNamee would have kept syringes and other medical waste for more than five years.
The three-member state board cited infractions including syringes containing an analgesic and sedative found in Dutrow's desk and an analgesic found in the urine of his horse Fastus Cactus in November 2010 after it won at Aqueduct Racetrack.
Eerily reminiscent of the raids that transformed the 1998 Tour de France into the Tour de Farce, the raids on the hotel rooms used by 20 teams discovered stimulants, anabolic steroids and corticosteroids, as well as used syringes.