It plans to reform part of the tax system in isolation, when it should be thinking about the system as a whole.
Policy is the part of system thinking that is often found most elusive.
But my concern is that System 2 thinking is being crowded out by the cult of immediacy.
Recently reading that companies that make an aroma type fragrane that emits fragrance into the air system are thinking of putting them in hospitals, etc.
It took further centuries to harness the results of System Two thinking to build a complex technological society that delivers unprecedented material benefits to populations so large that millions would perish if advanced technologies that are commonplace today, and magic to most people, were to disappear.
We also need to have more preventitave care and primary care providers at a time when primary care doctors are leaving the system, or thinking of it, in record numbers.
Mr. Ringel set up a phone line, with a voicemail system that left callers thinking that they had dialed a fully staffed company, he says.
Fourth, America needs a new, forward-thinking immigration system that replaces the failed status quo, meets the country's economic needs and honors its immigrant heritage and the rule of law.
And what you consider to be the system or method of thinking that bought you the house with a white picket fence is what has another man residing in his van down by the river.
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That all starts with reforming the educational system by adopting more interdisciplinary thinking.
Indeed things have not changed as the high intelligent people still run our financial systems and where eventually because they have not the right thinking, the system will collapse again.
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The DUP's Stephen Moutray described the system as "forward-thinking".
We've already spent some time interacting with the company's new depth-camera and eye-tracking technology, but now we wanted to dig deep to understand the thinking behind the system and what technical and practical limitations that need to be addressed before we can get to the computing future of Star Trek.
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So I started thinking about how the system could become more efficient and simplified still.
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Shadow education secretary Stephen Twigg said it was wrong to be thinking about changing the system while the row over this year's grades continued.
"There's the kind of mythical or personal or historical element to thinking about the solar system that felt like a really fun idea, " Mr Dessner said.
The Mirrlees review has some useful ideas on how to square the circle: indeed, perhaps its biggest message is that thinking holistically about the tax system helps resolve some of these conflicts.
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The board members also were under the impression that EU leaders in Brussels were poised to unveil a comprehensive plan to stabilize the Continent's financial system, said those familiar with their thinking.
Too many Americans are delusional in thinking we have a national education system that is fair.
Of course the military came away from the war thinking it was a jolly good system.
BBC: NEWS | In Depth | 2003 | Reporters Log | Reporters' log: Final thoughts
So if we're serious about reforming the health care system, we've got to be thinking, even if I've got health insurance -- and by the way I've got really good health insurance -- (laughter) -- I've got a doctor who follows me around everywhere -- (laughter) -- I've got to spend some time thinking about the people who don't have health insurance.
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Preschool brains haven't yet fully developed the prefrontal system, and young kids' free-spirited thinking can be contagious.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation
So I just would leave you with that thought and the hope and expectation that that kind of question will be front and center in thinking as we do redesign the financial system as we should.
If you are thinking about using a cloud-based system for CRM or accounting, ask the tough questions up front about how you can get your data back if the company goes out of business or if you simply want to choose a different solution.
The investment banker Felix Rohatyn has been thinking about what happens to the international financial system after the dust settles from the current credit crisis.
The Nobel prize winning psychologist describes this phenomenon in his New York Times bestseller, Thinking Fast and Slow, and labels them System I and System II.
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"I don't think any right-thinking person actually believed that Secretary Napolitano thought the system worked, " he said.
Our educational system, however, is simply incapable of substituting training in thinking for training in being on this score.
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Analytical functions and process automation are seen as separate structures, not as an extension of the thinking and actions of the people involved in the system.
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