I'm patient, but patience is a heavy cross to bear while systemic risk permeates the air.
Why does everybody start talking about systemic risk after a crisis has already started?
The regulation and supervisory oversight of financial institutions is another critical tool for limiting systemic risk.
Despite all the benefits, Linenberg says systemic risk is a bigger concern than oil prices.
Nor would it do much to eliminate the "systemic risk" that regulators seem so worried about.
Nor do they want to be criticised for their own contribution to systemic risk.
Pension funds and insurers, previously seen as shock-absorbers, were revealed as potential sources of systemic risk.
The politicians who dreamed up the directive talk about systemic risk, a concern for financial stability.
Regulators, too, should remember that no one bank model offers a clean solution to the problem of systemic risk.
The government also gets new authority to take over and unwind foundering companies deemed a systemic risk.
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Dietrich such much of the systemic risk stems from Washington and from the European sovereign debt crisis.
Some intervention is certainly needed to limit the systemic risk posed by this largely unregulated, over-the-counter market.
What we need is an independent Fed that deals with two subjects: systemic risk and monetary policy.
"There is systemic risk, " says Eileen Fahey, managing director at Fitch Ratings and head bank credit analyst.
The FPC will tackle systemic risk and endeavour to stop banks lending too much to inappropriate institutions.
Some events are large enough to pose systemic risk, that is risk to the entire global financial system.
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Tisch liked to short stocks, but when he sensed systemic risk he sold Standard and Poor's Index futures.
All this may indicate that global systemic risk is now coming to the fore, as well it should.
In short, predicting the true sources of systemic risk in advance of their actual failure is probably impossible.
There is no mechanism to mediate between those policies or insist on action that would counter systemic risk.
As risks get more concentrated, the systemic risk to the financial system rises.
In this instance, the market corrected itself to represent a perceived systemic risk.
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It had been assumed the same agency would both be systemic risk regulator and wield the new resolution authority.
Bank supervisors, because of their preoccupation with systemic risk, have tended to be quite tolerant of anti-competitive behaviour by banks.
For regulators, larger, diversified institutions may be more stable than investment banks but they pose an even greater systemic risk.
While losses look substantial, Nomura estimates that they do not pose a systemic risk to the continued existence of the Eurozone.
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Europe is providing much of the systemic risk to the big EMs, which is likely to the last into the week.
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Another priority is to get a better understanding of systemic risk, which Messrs Scholes and Thaler agree has been seriously underestimated.
This is intended to help regulators spot so-called "systemic risk", or the building of a potential chain reaction of failed investments.
The problem with hedge funds is that a lack of information hinders outsiders' ability to measure their contribution to systemic risk.