Previous work has shown that parents and offspring can often be paired from the smell of such T-shirts, so the judges were asked to compare the scent of each child's T-shirt with that of two T-shirts worn by men, and identify the shirt that had been worn by the child's father.
Lloyd says he has already heard anecdotes about police in the US searching for the masks in people's houses to be used as evidence of involvement with Anonymous hacker attacks, "which is scary but also ridiculous - you wouldn't prosecute someone for having a t-shirt with Che or CND on it".
If I'm a campaign worker and I've got a few minutes to run in and vote, why, I have to cover up my t-shirt or, you know, can't do it.
Prosecutors showed surveillance camera video taken inside the theater complex that they said shows Holmes -- dressed in dark trousers, a light-colored shirt with a T-shirt underneath and a ski cap covering his hair -- using a cell phone at a ticket kiosk.
An ongoing t-shirt design contest, it encourages its community to not only design t-shirts but also help vote on which ones should get printed and sold.
She wrenches out her checked shirt to display a tight peach-colored sleeveless T-shirt, worn over hipster jeans.
At the time he was wearing dark jeans, a blue short-sleeved shirt with a burgundy T-shirt underneath.
In the District of Columbia for example, if you came in with a campaign T-shirt, you would be asked to cover it up, that means some people have had to turn the T-shirt inside out.
Maybe not as a fashion statement that I'd proudly wear out to a symphony or even, say, the VD clinic, but I simply couldn't be more comfortable than I was in a T-shirt and tights.
Presumably, Tom also had picked out his clothes for the meeting--a T-shirt, cut-off jean shorts and flip-flop sandals--and the brand of gum he was chewing.
This misrepresentation is already a problem in action movies and TV shows, where the Special Forces or SWAT teams always have a kickboxing, sharpshooting female whose regulation uniform happens to be a low-cut camouflage t-shirt.
So you know, when you can say it's OK to come in with a campaign button or a t-shirt, you know somebody is going to be in a polling place trying to hand out literature, trying to talk to people about why they're wearing that t-shirt and trying to promote their candidate.
Immediately after scoring the winning goal, the 26-year-old had taken off his Spain shirt to reveal a white T-shirt bearing the message: "Dani Jarque: always with us".
Don't dye his hair and send him to school in jeans and a t-shirt.
Chun, the most gregarious, is a go-between for Chinese T-shirt manufacturers and their Iranian customers.
He was a senior on the college football team when he developed a prototype for a polyester-Lycra-blend T-shirt to keep him and his teammates dry.
Marc Katz, 34, co-founder of online T-shirt printer CustomInk, who learned what it was like to live with the ups and downs of starting three different businesses, from father Steve Katz, 62.
FORBES: Like Father, Like Child: Is Entrepreneurial Success Inherited?
In 20-30 years time no-one will remember my T-shirt, they'll remember the day I violently destroyed Wladimir Klitschko.
Rafters and torn brick walls serving as his backdrop, a brown-haired man in a T-shirt and shorts clutches onto a blond girl in brightly colored New Balance sneakers, carrying her away from the school as she peers over his shoulder.
Beyond that, I'm fairly certain flip-flops and a Grateful Dead t-shirt work for most every occasion.
His chubby pal Ryan -- in matching devil-dice T-shirt -- is collateral damage.
He added that Mr Simpson had been wearing a black V-neck jumper with a white T-shirt underneath, blue jeans and white trainers.
She was wearing a black, zip-up jacket over a blue, long-sleeved, round-necked T shirt, black denims and brown knee-high boots with flat soles.
Donning a short-sleeve jersey with his standard T-shirt underneath while many other players were bundled up, Minor (3-1) allowed three runs and five hits in six innings.
But Mark Perryman, author of Ingerland: Travels with a Football Nation, and the co-founder of the Philosophy Football T-shirt company, which organised the event, agrees with Bragg that the flag and the football team are among the few things English people have to illustrate their national identity.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Football - shaping a new England?
Ms. HILLMAN: Well, on the common sense , if would be left up to the poll worker to decide is this four-year-old child with a campaign t-shirt would be violating the issue and one with hope that what Doug referred to as common sense would prevail to say this child isn't saying anything, this child isn't campaigning.
Instead, the rapper danced beside a blue-haired sequined Perry with an oversized t-shirt clearly labeled Neff.
He was wearing a light grey V-neck woollen jumper with a white T-shirt underneath, black baggy jeans and dark shoes.
Once police arrived and began talking with Berry, the girl -- dressed only in diapers and a T-shirt -- began screaming, he said.
And who knows what inadvertent mayhem and million-dollar lawsuits might result if a T-shirt meant to reach the nosebleed section landed full force in the face of some hedge-fund guy seated courtside.