Three countries, Kiribati, Marshall Islands and Tajikistan, had sites added for the first time.
Meanwhile, Tunisia beat Tajikistan 1-0 to maintain their perfect record at the under-17 World Cup.
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Despite the defeat, their Tajikistan also qualified for the second round of the competition.
BBC: Ghana will play Brazil in the second round on Wednesday
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia have oil and gas, as well as agricultural goods.
Relations with Uzbekistan, through which Tajikistan's railway runs before reaching Kazakhstan and Russia, remain particularly difficult.
Turkey, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have all refused the trademark, according to Mr. Sindico.
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Relations between the countries have deteriorated over a hydro-electric dam that Tajikistan is building.
Moreover, Tajikistan has announced plans to censor the Internet in general and Facebook in particular.
The new road will link Tajikistan (and neighbours, such as Uzbekistan) with the Karakoram highway.
The equivalent figure for Tajikistan is 32 percent of GDP, versus 12 percent in 2006.
Since Uzbekistan and Tajikistan gained independence in 1991, many measures have been taken to safeguard Shashmaqom.
Y. that caters to 350 Jewish students whose families formerly lived in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Remittances from Russia are worth more than a fifth of Tajikistan's economy (see chart).
The village, which was born and raised Parviz, located in a remote mountain areas of Tajikistan.
Also today, the Assembly was informed that Tajikistan had made the necessary payment to reduce its arrears.
The closing ceremony was attended by Mr. Mirzoshohruh Asrori, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan.
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Under terms of the 1997 peace agreement, 30% of government jobs in Tajikistan went to former rebels.
When Boris first came to Moscow from Tajikistan, for example, he wanted to go to medical school.
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Uzbekistan and Tajikistan agreed in May with Russia to try to counter the spread of extremist Islam.
Close Russian allies such as Belarus and Tajikistan will be keen to put on a show of support.
The Sunday Times suggested that the SAS team was a four-man unit which entered Afghanistan possibly via Tajikistan.
At present, most commodities and aid destined for Tajikistan come through Russia from the Baltic ports or Vladivostok.
It has around 4, 000 staff in 19 field missions in places as diverse as Bosnia, Georgia and Tajikistan.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2013 International Year for Water Cooperation in 2010, following a proposal from Tajikistan.
Peace in Afghanistan, if it lasts, should in principle also offer Tajikistan new possibilities for economic development and trade.
Clearing customs in Tajikistan requires 18 bits of paper from different government agencies.
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Unlike Uzbekistan, neither Tajikistan nor Kyrgyzstan, the two poorest former Soviet republics, has reliable access to oil or gas.
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That gives Tajikistan a much-needed road route to the Pakistani port of Karachi, free of its ex-Soviet neighbours' chokehold.
Hundreds of thousands of migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan work in Kazakhstan and in Russia, especially in construction.
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But Tajikistan, the poorest of the ex-Soviet republics, is still to be convinced.