She said it drove her crazy when nurses and other professionals did not take the time to do that.
If you cannot give three really good reasons why you are perfect for the job, why should a potential employer take the time to do it?
"Commissioner Shah is correct that the state needs to take the time to do a comprehensive study of the health effects of fracking to protect the public health, " said biologist Sandra Steingraber, a leader of the anti-fracking movement.
There is a bit of a responsibility on us to do that and we will take the time to do it right and when we launch we will have a significant number of answers to very pertinent questions which I'm sure you will ask us at the time.
BBC: Basil McCrea wants to be Northern Ireland's first minister
One must affirmatively enroll in the program to take advantage of its benefits, and the time to do that is now: during the open enrollment period, which lasts until December 7.
Next time you are out walking in the street and you see a Cintas truck or a business using a Cintas product, take the time to ask: How do they like their job?
Statistics show that those who manage to get in back into the workforce typically take a long time to do that.
Given how prolonged some of these conversations have to be, many people argue that the key problem has been the financial incentives: we pay doctors to give chemotherapy and to do surgery, but not to take the time required to sort out when doing so is unwise.
So, take the time to think through everything you do and how those around you may perceive it.
FORBES: The 'It' Factor: How To Have Executive Presence In A Meeting
Even if a small percentage of us take the time to spread the wealth, do we do so effectively?
FORBES: Why You Must Attend More Conferences -- and Bring Colleagues
And so it's really hard for me to want to eat and eat healthy and take the time to cook, and I do.
In other words, it does not take ten times the amount of time to do a ten participant plan as it does a one person plan.
We are not taking the threat seriously if we do not answer basic questions about it and if we do not take the time to speak clearly and precisely when articulating it.
FORBES: Just How Big Is The Cyber Threat To The Department Of Defense?
Friedman says 45 per cent of us actually join brand communities to express our passion for a brand, and most of us (61%) who take the time to actually write about a brand on social media do so to say how much we like it.
What we do know is that within the next 11 days, the Congress will do as the leaders have said it will do, which is to take action to ensure that we do not, for the first time in our history, find ourselves unable to pay our bills.
And we put our businesses at risk from competitors who do take the time to slow down and assess what all these changes mean.
Rarely do I actually take the time away from my family to send an email to someone who I do not know and who CLEARLY does not know me, or the other tens of thousands of "career" women in this country.
Ms. TAMARA SILVERMAN (Flight Passenger): When I go to the airport, I do not expect to take off on time, nor do I expect to arrive on time.
Or do you take the time to diagnose what happened and put formal programs in place to improve?
"Unfortunately, their positive impact on competitiveness, employment and activity will take time to materialize and will do little to mitigate economic pain in the short term, " said Herve Goulletquer, an analyst at Credit Agricole CIB.
To do this effectively, take the time to provide context, encourage questions, and stay sufficiently connected to the different ways that people respond and react to messages.
At the same time, if companies do take steps to decisively enhance their own internal whistleblower programs, they may be in a position to negotiate significant policy discounts.
FORBES: Dodd-Frank: A Golden New Opportunity for the D&O Insurance Industry
We have apps to help you do yoga at your desk, or remind you to take time off during the day.
FORBES: Live Blog: Arianna Huffington Talks Social "Revolution" At Adtech
She also suggests Upton (or any young model who is dealing with instant fame) take the time to consider the big picture and what she wants to do so that she is making things happen, not just reacting to what is happening around her.
FORBES: Kathy Ireland to Kate Upton: 'Don't Let Anyone Put You in a Box'
Do use that connection, but take the time to write a personal note.
FORBES: Should Job Seekers Start Using Facebook Instead of LinkedIn?
You build trust over time and then you have the flexibility to take more risk and do more interesting things.
If you do overindulge, take time at the New Year to clear out the toxins with a good dose of fresh fruit and mineral water.
But the benefits of reforms will take a long time to appear, and they will do nothing to prevent deflation.
What do you do with the furniture when it is time to take the house in for the night?
FORBES: The Sliding House and The Book of Ideas: Radical Thinking Required