Using specific examples, can you take this opportunity to debunk that misperception and set us straight?
Why wouldn't we take this opportunity to do what we've talked about for 70 years?
We would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincerest condolences to Mr Lubbock's family.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Essex | Police reject Barrymore claims
Families should take this opportunity to make sure that school and family emergency plans are in place.
And to that little girl, now a woman, I would like to take this opportunity to say again, thank you.
Well and good, but Mr Museveni's people are also hoping to take this opportunity to get rid of presidential-term limits.
Also, let me take this opportunity to make a couple more suggestions.
Obama should take this opportunity to embrace a strategy that is truly even-handed and does not let either side avoid its responsibilities.
"The club would like to take this opportunity to thank the Russian Football Union for their understanding and cooperation, " said a statement.
So I want to take this opportunity to lay out what we are doing, and how we intend to resolve these outstanding issues.
"I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Jamie Dalrymple for his services as captain for the past two seasons, " said Hamer.
And I want to take this opportunity to apologize to Bruce.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors 2011 MLS Cup Champion LA Galaxy
So, ladies and gentlemen, I take this opportunity to thank once again, first of all, the congressional leadership for helping us ratify this very important agreement.
We know we are facing a transition, and we must take this opportunity to provide today's students with the tools and the thinking that is required for the future.
This strategy has come under considerable scrutiny by this Committee, and I want to take this opportunity to share with you the broader issues that have led us to this position.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House
And before I sign it into law, I want to take this opportunity to encourage that same kind of bipartisan spirit on another step that will create jobs and move America forward.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing the Manufacturing Enhancement Act of 2010
And with this year the 100th anniversary of the Territorial Army, I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the servicemen and women in our reserves who are such an essential element of our nation's defence.
We take your feedback very seriously and while there is no excuse for poor service, we would like to take this opportunity to update you on some of the changes that have taken place at the resort since 2002.
And also let me take this opportunity to thank Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for the great job that he is doing in making sure that our kids are ready for this 21st century world that is going to be so demanding.
It also gave members of our military and our veterans a chance to unwind a little bit, and on this Veterans Day, I want to take this opportunity to thank all our men and women in uniform for their service and their sacrifice.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | The White House
And I want to take this opportunity to say how sad I am for Eliot Spitzer's family, particularly his teenage daughters, his wife, of course, but his parents who are my generation and wonderful nice people, and I know this must be a terrible blow for them.
As you know, Jenny Rosser has been our Acting Director General since the beginning of the year, and I want to take this opportunity to record publicly my appreciation, and that of the rest of the NAPF Board, for Jenny's efforts on behalf of your Association this year.
Second, Kerry should take this opportunity to strengthen cooperation over issues that can provide mutual benefits in the areas of national security and the economy, such as counternarcotics, counterterrorism, as well as sustaining oil trade: the United States currently imports just under 1 million barrels a day from Venezuela.
So this is an opportunity -- and we'll be encouraging them to take this opportunity -- to lay out a vision of where they want to take Europe and the eurozone going forward, and how they want to address these issues.
And let me take this opportunity also to thank you for your hospitality today.
It is possible to ask to see the data that companies and organisations hold about you, but a very small number of people take up this opportunity to vet what is known about them.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | Do you know what they know about you?
The safer path, and likely the growth-maximizing one, is to take this opportunity of robust growth to stabilize the dollar and get ahead of the inflation risk.
Anders, I want to take this opportunity on behalf of all of us to thank you for your outstanding leadership over these past three years.
She suggests taking the opposite approach by conveying that employers should take advantage of this opportunity to recruit you.
As many of the best and brightest students in the world are studying at American colleges and universities, we must take this as an opportunity to make a long-term investment in the top talent we are educating.
FORBES: Are We Missing the Opportunity to Ensure America's Economic Future?