Tesco, the supermarket chain, this month started to use its customers' shopping histories to sell targeted online advertising.
First, it is a more tailored approach for targeted marketing and online advertising enabled by advances in technology, search and consumer behavior algorithms.
FORBES: What Do Angie's List, GroupOn, LinkedIn, QuinStreet and BankRate Have in Common?
That's about to change, though, with a full-court press of TV, print, outdoor, and online advertising targeted squarely at the US market launching this week.
The Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) report points out that even though targeted advertising is one of the forms of online advertising expected to grow most rapidly, only a few of the top news sites use it.
Indeed, for all the potential of GPS pinpointing, if consumers are turned off by having advertisers track their every move - as they've recently demonstrated online - geographically targeted advertising may not be the most promising way to pump up the wireless market.
Online advertising is already far more accurately targeted than the offline sort, but there is scope for even greater personalisation.
Google, the developer of the world's most popular Internet search engine, generates billions of dollars in revenues annually from selling online advertising services, including the delivery of targeted ads online.
The cookies collected data about the online activities of web users in order for Google to provide more targeted advertising to them.
Jeffrey Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy, a privacy group, sees social networks as part of a broader set of companies that are trying to track individuals' behaviour online to gather data that can be used by marketers for precisely targeted advertising.
One potential candidate is ValueClick, a publicly traded online marketing company that provides demographically targeted ad space to about 6, 000 advertisers and advertising agencies.
One potential candidate is ValueClick (nasdaq: VCLK - news - people ), a publicly traded online marketing company that provides demographically targeted ad space to about 6, 000 advertisers and advertising agencies.