Also working against the former pop tart: an abnormally low appeal score of 3.
Barfield also laces the script with tart, grounded racial observations that resonate within the surrounding pleasantries.
This tart-sweet jam is a fantastic way to use apples, especially those with pink flesh.
"It's a flavor as sweet and tart as Liz Lemon herself, " Mr. Greenfield said.
While the onions' flavor concentrates, prick the tart shell everywhere except around the edges and start baking.
WSJ: Martin Picard's Sun-Dried Tomato and Onion Tart | Slow Food Fast
S. Lewis's tart comment on Lord Nuffield, his city's greatest entrepreneur and his university's most generous benefactor.
Tart makers and pudding bakers have set aside their usual rivalry to try to block the move.
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Now the grape of choice for winemaking in this region, the tart whites produced are comparable to a crisp chardonnay.
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Consider pop tart Britney Spears, whose every move from club-hopping to head-shaving has grabbed gobs of tabloid ink.
Topped with a swirl of warm lemon curd, they're a tad sugary, a tad tart and altogether decadent.
The same went for salt-baked beets: too tough, but beautifully balanced by tart red grapefruit and aged vinegar.
Tart-skinned green or yellow plum varieties are best for this jam, which pairs beautifully with hard sharp cheese.
Guccione has, in fact, consorted with Ann Coulter (he dated the tart-tongued pundit before meeting his present girlfriend, playwright Liza Lentini).
They would add some flavors, including a tart one, and otherwise stay put.
For tart cherries (Morello, Amarelle), which are excellent in pies and usually sold canned or otherwise preserved, Michigan rules.
The wine Cal brought from the kitchen was cold and a little tart.
"It's the kind of perpetual publishing that you need to do these days, " says Brian Tart, publisher of Dutton.
So is the onion and anchovy tart, pissaladiere, at the takeout shop Sur le Pouce on Rue St Francois nearby.
The cooking is hearty fare: roast Patagonian lamb that slides off the bone, homemade pumpkin tart followed by apple pie.
Classic local cafes like The Garage serve Batroun's renowned sweet-and-tart lemonade, made from the local citrus harvest and served ice-cold.
She writes, I like the aromas of the wines, so very Brazilian, with touches of guava and the tart fruit devasarolla(ph).
To assemble your tart, spread the mustard cream over the center of the shell and sprinkle half the cheese on top.
WSJ: Martin Picard's Sun-Dried Tomato and Onion Tart | Slow Food Fast
What could be better to replace the usual accompanying tipple of murky wheat beer than a glass of tart, delicious Riesling?
Allagash's Resurgam, star of what they call the Coolship series of lambic-style beers, is clean and tart with an effervescent strawberry finish.
I've flipped thousands of those light-as-air, moist and slightly tart pancakes over the years, and they still have a hold on me.
Nonetheless, both varieties are strong, easily sipped and tart enough to make you forget the heat for at least a few moments.
For all his tart views, Mr. Findlay generally does not name names.
Quaid's tart Boston-Irish accent reflects Patty Ann's flinty personality, as she snaps out complaints and often bigoted, remarks to her henpecked husband.
In a merciful moment bestowed by the food gods, it occurred to me that my tart did not have to be French.
Difficult pairings aside, there are a few guidelines that will help you find a suitable partner for that truffle risotto or mushroom tart.
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