By this measure, the tax-compliance industry is six times larger than car-making.
Other taxes include a Medical Device Tax, Individual Mandate Non-Compliance Tax, High Medical Bills Tax, and Flexible Spending Account Tax.
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The fat tax was instead fried by Danish farmers complaining of the high administrative cost of fat-tax compliance, and losing business to foreign competitors who were running away with the bacon and the kringles.
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But now Congress and the IRS have attempted to introduce more certainty--and compliance--to this part of the tax code.
His government of technocrats, which took office in November 2011, is also trying to force labour-market reform on the trade unions and fiscal compliance on Italy's legendarily tax-shy self-employed.
At the heart of my agenda for the summit are three issues - advancing trade, ensuring tax compliance and promoting greater transparency.
The IMF pointed to reforming pensions, health care, and state-owned enterprises, improving tax compliance and budget practices, dealing with potential problem banks, improving labor flexibility, and streamlining business regulation.
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Tax compliance increased and the inflation-adjusted revenues from the personal income tax rose more than 20 percent annually during the three years following the adoption of the flat-rate tax.
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The panel's findings are the result of a six-month investigation into tax haven banks and offshore tax compliance.
Unsurprisingly, convoluted tax rules combined with extortionate rates tend to encourage non-compliance.
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If a risk-based assessment reveals suspicions of a lack of tax compliance, financial intermediaries are to refuse to accept assets.
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Studies also find that the ability to secure repayment is closely correlated with other measures of public-sector health, such as the control of corruption and tax compliance.
In 2010 Congress enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, requiring foreign financial institutions to identify American account-holders and disclose their balances and withdrawals, or face a 30% withholding tax on income from any financial assets they hold in America.
It is a tax compliance law which allows the UK to access its residents' Jersey-based accounts.
Since Mr Monti's government stepped up a drive for increased tax compliance, there have been repeated attacks on branches of the tax-collection agency, some involving rudimentary bombs.
Exhibit A is the Coalition for Fairness in Tax Compliance, which aims to block proposals it says would unfairly burden small businesses and self-employed folks who comply with the tax law in an effort to catch those who don't.