All of this is what my Tax Policy Center colleague Gene Steuerle long-ago dubbed tax deform.
This week, thanks to the Tax Policy Center, we have some numbers.
To find out, my Tax Policy Center colleague Rachel Johnson crunched some rough numbers.
FORBES: Do The Math: Obama Can't Cut The Deficit By Soaking The Rich
Thanks to my Tax Policy Center colleague Yuri Shadunsky for helping review the Perry years.
The original Tax Policy Center study was based on projections for the year 2015.
FORBES: Even if Governor Romney's Tax Plan Could be Made to Add Up, It Wouldn't Make Any Sense
Clinton "defined down what rich was, " says Leonard Burman, director of the Tax Policy Center.
My Tax Policy Center colleague Gene Steuerle writes a regular column called The Government We Deserve.
FORBES: A Disappointing Presidential Campaign Comes To An End
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) as Passed by the Senate, Tax Policy Center.
FORBES: More Estate Tax Changes Could Follow Fiscal Cliff Deal
Ask Congressional Budget Office director Doug Elmendorf (who was a Tax Policy Center associate before joining CBO).
FORBES: At Stake In The 2012 Election: The Basic Role Of Government
By the way, Gene is affiliated with the Tax Policy Center as well as the Urban Institute.
FORBES: Warren Buffett Gets Special Tax Breaks And So Does Your Grandma
According to the Tax Policy Center 46 percent of American households paid no income tax in 2011.
FORBES: The Unhappy, Big-Government Feeding 100th Birthday Of America's Income Tax
If Congress hadn't acted, it would have affected 23.4 million Americans, according to the Tax Policy Center.
My Tax Policy Center colleague Eric Toder and I explore that question in a new paper.
FORBES: Could A Carbon Tax Be The Key To Achieving Corporate Tax Reform?
All told, some 77% of Americans will pay more, according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff: Prepare For A Smaller Paycheck. Your Taxes Will Indeed Rise
The Tax Policy Center is not out in left field on this point.
The Tax Policy Center estimates that 20 million businesses file this way.
The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center says the biggest beneficiaries of McCain's plan would be the wealthiest 20 percent of Americans.
Scholars at the American Enterprise Institute examined what happens to the Tax Policy Center math when this error is corrected.
As incomes ebbed and spending surged, per the Tax Policy Center, 46.4% of family units will pay nothing in 2011.
FORBES: If On The Dole Why Do You Still Get To Go To The Poll?
My Tax Policy Center colleague Donald Marron, a former CBO director, blogged about it all back in 2009.
As my former Tax Policy Center colleague Len Burman says, the Perry choice is something like an Alternative Maximum Tax.
The Tax Policy Center said the capital-gains provisions would affect the heirs of more than 50, 000 taxpayers who died in 2010.
The paper confirms many of the findings of my Tax Policy Center colleagues who have done similar analyses in recent years.
To find out how the new tax will affect you, check out the Tax Policy Center's free online tool at
According to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center in Washington, D.
My Tax Policy Center colleague Eric Toder has been arguing for exactly that step since the fiscal cliff debacle last year.
FORBES: Congress May Not Rewrite the Tax Code in 2013, But They Can Make It Simpler
The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center published data on the Obama deal.
FORBES: Only 3,600 Estates Would Pay Tax In 2011 Under Obama Deal
The Tax Policy Center figures fewer than 500 taxpayers fall into this group, which makes it a very exclusive club indeed.
FORBES: Another Absurdity Of The Fiscal Cliff Deal: A Tiny Tax Bracket Covering 500 People
Now, to keep pace with the latest research, the Tax Policy Center has revised its methodology for figuring where this tax falls.
FORBES: Who Pays The Corporate Income Tax? Workers Bear The Burden, Too.
But no sooner had the Tax Policy Center and others tried to figure out what it might mean, Romney changed up.
FORBES: What Did We Learn from the Presidential Debate? Not Much.