"They jump-started me back into life ... (and) said welcome home, " Smith said, tearfully.
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke introduced his mother, then tearfully wished his dead father could have been there.
We spent hours talking to the relatives who tearfully recounted the lives of their brothers or sons.
NPR: Grief, and Warmth, Among Soldiers' Families in Puerto Rico
One man approached him at a gas station, tearfully said he missed him and hugged him, Finebaum said.
She recounted tearfully how she and her husband jumped out of the window after her apartment started to collapse.
Anthony's soup kitchen, or tearfully spending their meager savings on plane flights home.
Joy, especially, is besieged by spectral suitors, tearfully mired in their own wrongdoings.
The sepulchre of Rufina Cambaceres is a beautiful Art Nouveau work depicting a young woman tearfully opening heaven's door.
BBC: The Recoleta Cemetery: Silent theatre and city of the dead
England went on to lose on penalties and, after the game, Beckham tearfully announced he was relinquishing the captaincy.
Mr Hardwick related how one boy with a lifelong medical condition asked tearfully to be taken home to his mother.
Only then did I finally meet the sun, which I sought so tearfully on the stage of a foreign country.
She tearfully described being embarrassed and devastated upon learning of her father's suspected role in her good friend Gina DeJesus' kidnapping.
Sanford tearfully admitted the affair during a news conference after he returned to the U.S., and he and Jenny Sanford divorced shortly thereafter.
Her mother, Krystal Walters, tearfully thanked the crowd for the support.
Soon he was testifying to the U.S. Senate and depicted on the front page of the New York Times tearfully felling the trees with a chain saw.
In the weeks leading up to Mr Ballinger's death, Ms Evans tearfully complained to the social worker about "tensions" that had arisen in the household, Ms Johnson said.
As much as Apple would love for Kwon Oh-hyun to turn up at court and tearfully confess to being a copycat, that's probably not going to happen.
ENGADGET: Apple seizes on Samsung internal document as proof of mimicry
Reporters were told he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, but the then-married governor later tearfully acknowledged he was visiting Maria Belen Chapur, which he told everyone at a news conference announcing his affair.
The television networks are too full of people tearfully evoking memories of maternal or paternal neglect or misunderstanding, not to make it plain that being somebody's parent is not an occupation to fail at lightly.
Nathaniel's mother always insisted that he had assured her that he was going to divorce his wife and come to live with them, and one of the more disturbing sequences is the son's interview with his mother, in which he questions her as she tearfully clings to her story.