It will air after the nation's first African-American president hosts a nationally televised news conference on health care.
Yasuhiro Sonoda appeared nervous and his hands shook as he downed a glass during a televised news conference.
K. Sharma, the medical superintendent of the hospital, at a televised news conference.
At a televised news conference, Netanyahu said the government's top priority should be to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon.
"It's just awesome, " Payne gushed at a televised news conference Wednesday.
"It appears that Jesse has been the victim of a serious assault and suffered head injuries as a result, " Detective Senior Sergeant Brian Archer told a nationally televised news conference.
He held a televised news conference to say that Passaro had been indicted, and there has been some top talent from the Justice Department and the CIA working on this case.
He spoke to journalists in Lahore at a televised news conference -- although his face was shielded from the cameras -- to address accusations that the groups were involved in the attacks.
The "absence of vital organs made the postmortem examination difficult, " Gurmanjit Singh, head of the forensic department at the Government Medical College and Hospital in Amritsar, said at a televised news conference on Friday.
Dr. Peter Fagenholz, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, said in a televised news conference that many of the 29 people brought there for treatment had suffered injuries to their lower extremities, some requiring amputation.
FORBES: This post was last updated on Monday, April 15 at 11 PM ET.
"There can be no elections without a law that guarantees the fairness of the election process and a government that can implement such a law and be trusted by the people, " he said in a televised news conference.
The pre-meet news conference is even being held at the United Nations, and the meet will be televised live by the NBC Sports Network and Universal Sports a rarity for a sport struggling for ways to make itself more viewer-friendly.