Tell me something about the story on the front pages of a lot of papers this morning, 1, 000 new recruits for MI5.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Council Tax capped?
Because I think it's trying to tell me something about the direction politics is moving in - at a local level at least.
Before we'd even ordered, I asked him if I could get his opinion on something personal, but told him I would only feel comfortable sharing if he would then tell me something about himself.
WSJ: Advice for Making New Friends: Share But Don't Overshare
Churchill might tell me something about the art of statecraft, or Fry about the pressures of fame and the joy of words, but someone closer to home, with a life more like mine and challenges more like mine, will tell me far more about a life with mental health difficulty and how best to live it.
So let me tell you something about when we first met.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Reno, NV
Let me tell you something about the ARA. It was, first of all, an advertising construct, a fiction created by the oil and lodging industries in the early 20th century to coax Americans out on the road in their flivvers and Packards.
Let me tell you something about many other countries in the world: the parents will do FAR above and beyond what most of the parents in this country would do to give their children the best start and best chance of success in life.
We talked briefly about our children, then (she must have been feeling lonely or bored) she asked me to tell her something about my life.
Scott: Tell me about companies doing something in CSR that is a model for our future.
Scott: Tell me about a company doing something in CSR that is a model for our future.
And let me tell you something, that is what I think about every night when I put my girls to bed.
And let me tell you something -- every night I think about this when I look my girls into the eye and I put them to bed.
And let me tell you something, all of that I just talked about, I love him for that, but I really -- what really made me fall in love with my husband all those years ago, it was his character.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Hampton, VA
And I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit about how it played out and whether the apology that was made was something that you suggested that they do.