See the tenement style bathroom, with the shower and toilet in two different rooms.
Rents were cheap in the crumbling tenement blocks in Prenzlauer Berg, Mitte and, later, Friedrichshain.
But for the incandescent aficionados, fluorescent lights tend to be associated with morgues, prisons and tenement hallways.
They include his sports pictures, portraits and socially conscious cityscapes (many showing New York's hardscrabble tenement life).
Gorse burning at the Grande Beauregard tenement was criticised by conservationists for putting the island's breeding birds in danger.
As a child, Connery lived in a four-storey tenement in Edinburgh's Fountainbridge and once worked as a milkman on a horse-drawn float.
Close to the Bowery on 97 Orchard Street, the Tenement Museum of New York recreates the lives of emigrants struggling with urban squalor.
Supermarket worker McKenzie, from the city's Carntyne area, was seen carrying a bag while visiting Nesbitt's tenement flat in Battlefield on 24 May last year.
BBC: Lawyer Gerard Nesbitt convicted in cannabis supply trial
Riis himself promoted the "model tenement": privately built apartments for the poor, constructed to higher standards made possible by investors' willingness to forgo normal profits.
The buildings were considered pioneers in the "light-court" model of tenement development, intended as an alternative to the dark and unventilated tenements common at the time.
The refurbished venue, which combines eastern and western architectural elements including an Art Deco facade and a Chinese-style roof, lies amid low-rise tenement buildings, vibrant markets and local shops.
New York's Tenement House Museum now refers to its historic building, tellingly, not as slum housing but as an "urban log cabin"--a starting point for upward mobility.
To prepare for trials, she followed police into tenement shooting galleries, scaled rickety staircases in dilapidated buildings and fought off the stench of squalor to talk to reluctant witnesses.
When, this summer, I heard on the news that some Africans had died because a fire had started in the stairway of their rundown tenement, I had an idea.
The streets of Glasgow weren't nearly as friendly 65 years ago when the young Billy Connolly arrived with a plop on the cold linoleum floor of his parents' tenement house.
The two buildings, which are part of a massive 15-tenement complex on the Upper East Side, are at the center of a dispute that has raged for more than two decades.
And since there were one-family houses selling in Union for a Depression low of a few thousand dollars, he would be able to realize an ambition he had nurtured growing up penniless in a Newark tenement flat: to become an American homeowner.
It consisted of four stories about the residents of a tenement house at 55 Dropsie Avenue in the Bronx (Mr Eisner, the son of Jewish immigrants, grew up in the 1930s in just such a tenement, with dark bare stairways and interlacing washing lines).