The director, Aaron Katz, may have arrived at a terminal point in mumblecore aesthetics.
The key, then, is to identify the terminal point of the fifth wave.
While the Army has managed with somewhat better results terminal and point defense programs like Safeguard and Patriot, the technology and missions of today's larger, vastly more sophisticated missile defense systems (such as ERINT, Brilliant Eyes and Brilliant Pebbles) go well beyond what the Army traditionally has had expertise in.
The Koch Brothers own Flint Hills Resources, a Wichita, Kans. company which operates an export terminal at the starting point of the pipeline in Hardisty, Canada.
Owned by the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, Abbot Point has a deepwater coal terminal capable of handling 50 million tons annually.
FORBES: Fast-rising Indian billionaire clinches Australian port for $2 billion
The mobile payment system allows the use of any smartphone or iPad as a point-of-sale terminal and is aimed at small businesses.
FORBES: BofA Is Sick Of Square, Rolls Out New Mobile Payment System
Visa said Friday it created a program that will allow mobile-phone manufacturers, point-of-sale terminal makers and other companies to more quickly certify their products under the card company's security standards.
The companies used an unspecified infrared-equipped Palm device and a Toshiba Libretto, which beamed requests for check authorizations to a point-of-sale terminal, in this case a VeriFone Tranz 330 that was retrofitted with an infrared device from ACTiSYS and a custom cable from CrossCheck.
Sooner or later, it is thought, a tipping-point would be reached when the decline would become terminal.
The euro zone is in a crisis, in the correct sense of the word, a turning point from which it will either recover or enter a terminal phase.
The Snapstick app also had an button to launch apps, which at this point were limited to Pandora, Skype, and a terminal program we presume won't be present at launch.
Another of the terminal's great subterranean secrets is M42 -- a hidden basement and the deepest accessible underground point in Manhattan.