These are to create a new director of national intelligence and a revamped counter-terrorism threat centre.
Mr Speaker, among all the security challenges to citizens of this country covered by this new strategy, the most serious and urgent remains the threat from international terrorism - with today Britain facing 30 known plots, and monitoring 200 networks and around 2000 individuals.
Testifying to Congress recently, Tara O'Toole of the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health said that anti-terrorism programmes have concentrated chiefly on the threat posed by conventional explosives or chemical weapons.
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The government is said to be working with counter-terrorism experts from several countries - including the US and UK - in an attempt to neutralise the threat posed by Boko Haram and Ansaru, amid fears that they could worsen instability across West and central Africa.
So all the issues related to the implementation of the treaty and non-proliferation and the threat of nuclear terrorism should be analyzed by us in a complex way, an integrated way.
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We understood that organized terrorism is not just a law-enforcement issue, but a strategic threat to the United States.
The threat of terrorism in Africa was highlighted by a four-day siege at a gas plant near the town of In Amenas, in eastern Algeria, earlier this month which is believed to have left six British hostages dead.
The BBC's diplomatic correspondent Barnaby Mason says UK officials expect a statement to come out of the summit identifying terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as the pre-eminent threat to international security.
But he now says the threat of terrorism is so imminent that there is no time for parliament to debate new counter-terrorism laws.
He stressed that the crisis is having "far-reaching effects" in West Africa and the Sahel, and that it has heightened the terrorism threat in the subregion.
There are those, however, who should know better than most about the ongoing seriousness of the threat, among them those lawmakers tasked specifically with the formulation and oversight of counter-terrorism policy.