The novels of London are now coming full circle, bringing a fuller cast into focus through two modern preoccupations: economic crisis and terrorism.
With the sluggish U.S. economy, the high unemployment rate, the real estate bust, the political paralysis in Washington, the European debt crisis and terrorism, there are a ton of bricks in the wall.
We have cooperated over the last several years on dealing with a global economic crisis, dealing with the challenges of terrorism, dealing with a range of geopolitical issues from the Middle East to Iran to Afghanistan.
Gregg Gonsalves, Director of Treatment and Advocacy at Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York, told the BBC that bio-terrorism is distorting research priorities.
In the aftermath of the hostage crisis David Cameron described North Africa as a magnet for Al Qaeda terrorism and the focus of a new generational struggle against Islamic extremism.
So while Silicon Valley gets covered over by green goo, fighting the non-threat of global warming, Israel faces an existential crisis which forces them to find technological solutions to real problems like terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
There's a political crisis with President Musharraf and of course, there's this whole terrorism threat.
Although the current trend in U.S. policy-making circles is moving away from unilateral international action, in the future it will remain important to have the ability to act unilaterally in a crisis or when retaliating against the increasing phenomenon of state- sponsored terrorism.
Although the current trend in U.S. policy-making circles is moving away from unilateral international action, in the future it will remain important to have the ability to act unilaterally in a crisis -- or when retaliating against the increasing phenomenon of state- sponsored terrorism.
Even worse, if one can imagine, sequestration (i.e. defaulting on the responsibility to lead in a time of crisis) is as bad as a nuclear attack or a major act of cyber-terrorism.
The rest of the world is equally anxious about the current stand-off over Iraq, the crisis caused by North Korea's newly aggressive stand on nuclear weapons, and the war on terrorism.
What was particularly striking about the prime minister's statement on the Algerian hostage crisis was not what he said about it but what he said about the wider threat posed by terrorism across north Africa.