Israel has said it has no doubt that the shooting was a terrorist act.
Deputy prosecutor-general Andrei Shved said the blast was a terrorist act, but did not give further details.
The analysts identified a pattern of radicalization and listed common characteristics before a person committed a terrorist act.
They were later rearrested on suspicion of a section 41 offence - the preparation of a terrorist act.
BBC: Terrorism arrests after 'suspect items' found in Torquay
Victor Renuart Jr. condemned Saturday's attack as a terrorist act but said it did not change the coalition's strategy.
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi condemned the killing as a "terrorist act".
Victor Renuart Jr. condemned Saturday's attack as a terrorist act but said it not change the coalition's operational strategy.
The more serious question is why the administration alighted on the idea that the attack wasn't a terrorist act at all.
Another 162 students were wounded in the "cowardly terrorist act, " he said.
"It's a manifestation of a horrific terrorist act a block and a half away from where we stand, " he said after visiting the alley.
The most destructive terrorist act in history began with Islamic radicals going to flight school and ended when they turned airliners into flying bombs.
"I presume that this inhumane situation, this terrorist act, is linked with the staging of this event, " Gryzlov was quoted by Reuters as saying.
Can we use it to fund the war effort or compensate those families who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center terrorist act?
Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi called it a "cowardly, terrorist act".
It attacked Serbia in the summer of 1914 in the hopes of destroying this irritating state after Serbia had committed a spectacular terrorist act against the Hapsburg monarchy.
"It's a manifestation of a horrific terrorist act a block and a half away from where we stand, " New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters outside the secured site.
In response to these conclusions, "Voice of Beslan, " a group of survivors of the terrorist act, appealed to Western organizations, including the U.S. Congress, for help in investigating the tragedy.
And everybody in Bulgaria was deeply moved at your telephone call to express your condolences for the Bulgarian citizen as well as the Israeli nationals who perished in the terrorist act.
Iraq's government condemned the weekend attacks as a "terrorist act" that "creates a serious threat to the security of the border areas and the joint security of Iraq and Turkey, " spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh on Saturday.
The report shows that of the more than 530 detainees released from the prison, 27 have been confirmed to have engaged in terrorist activities and 47 are suspected of participating in some kind of terrorist act.
CNN: Pentagon: Ex-Gitmo detainees turning to terrorism on rise
The members of the Security Council reiterated that no terrorist act can reverse the path towards peace, democracy and reconstruction in Afghanistan, which is supported by the people and the Government of Afghanistan and the international community.
Of the more than 530 detainees released from the prison between 2002 and last spring, 27 were confirmed to have engaged in terrorist activities and 47 were suspected of participating in a terrorist act, according to Pentagon statistics cited in the spring report.
C. week after next with Secretary Chertoff seeking to have more recognition that we are truly the frontline of defense against terrorism, that the potential for a terrorist act by homegrown terrorists is possibly, at this juncture, more likely than one coming in from abroad.
The members of the Council reiterated their condemnation of violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida and other extremist groups aimed at destabilizing the situation in the country, and reasserted that no terrorist act can reverse the path towards peace, democracy and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
Authorities arraigned Jose Pimentel Sunday night in a New York court on state charges of possession of a bomb for terrorism, conspiracy as a crime of terrorism, soliciting support for a terrorist act, being a felon in possession of a weapon and conspiracy to commit criminal mischief and arson, according to a criminal complaint.
Earlier this year, a militant Ahwazi group claimed to have assassinated a Revolutionary Guard colonel, and the Iranian government acknowledged that an explosion in a cultural center in Shiraz, in the southern part of the country, which killed at least twelve people and injured more than two hundred, had been a terrorist act and not, as it earlier insisted, an accident.
Mr D'Anjou said they were being held in custody "on suspicion of conspiracy of a terrorist criminal act" and officials would say in the next few days whether they would be charged.
Lawyers for the developer, Larry Silverstein, filed papers in U.S. District Court in Manhattan to urge rejection of American Airlines' claim that the 2001 terrorist attack was an act of war that should shield the airline from liability.
"You cannot on the one hand refuse to rule out the possibility of legally-held army weapons being involved in such an act with illegal terrorist ones and in the same breath say they will not be equated, " he said.