"Thank you for doing what you did ... thank you for the fantastic interviews, " Russell wrote.
Take a deep breath and say thank you for doing your best in a thankless job.
And many of these leaders are here today, and I want to thank them for doing their part.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at White House Science Fair
They can appeal to Facebook friends and Twitter followers to contribute and publicly thank them for doing so.
Moreover, your heirs will thank you for doing it (see sidebar).
"MPs from all parties came up privately and said 'thank you for doing that and there but for the grace of God go I', " Luce says.
Superintendent Messer (ph), thank you for doing such a magnificent job of maintaining Arlington National Cemetery in honor of those who are buried here and as a tribute to what all America stands for.
So thank you for doing that, I guess.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney debates on Hugh Hewitt show
"It's good you know, I'd like to thank them all for doing that, the medical bills ain't cheap, " he said.
Thank you all for doing a great job.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs National Defense Authorization Act
Mr. DEAN BARKLEY (Independent Senatorial Candidate, Minnesota): I really have to thank them both for doing it right now because I think I have been the beneficiary of the negative ads because you're driving people to me.
And we want to thank Principal Harry Hughes for doing outstanding work here.
Both of you, thank you very much for doing this viewer's panel and Harriet Harman, welcome to the Politics Show.
And I want to thank the whole crew at MK for doing just a great job.
But thank you for everything you all are doing and being here, because it feels good.
So thank you for all you're doing on competition and on local food.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
My message to the troops is also thank you for what they're doing, but it's also: Help is on the way.
And I thank you for all you're doing.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: "The 'Buck' stops here" on defense cuts
My message to our troops is thank you for what you're doing, we're standing with you strong, we'll give you all the equipment you need, and we'll get you home as soon as the mission's done, because this is a vital mission.
Once again, thank you people and Government of Malta for doing your part.
We can thank Paul O'Brien at MoDaCo for doing the honors, and for those interested, the process is pretty simple.
We have ramped up our mission there considerably as a part of our opening to the country, so he will have an opportunity to thank them for the work they're doing in building out our relationship.
Tom Donohue and Randi Weingarten, thank you for joining together today for what you are doing.
So thank you very much for the extraordinary work you're doing.
And with that, I also want to thank Karen for that very kind introduction and for everything she is doing on behalf of our campaign.
And also let me take this opportunity to thank Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for the great job that he is doing in making sure that our kids are ready for this 21st century world that is going to be so demanding.
And of course, thank you to Becke for her remarks today and for the work that she's doing every day on behalf of our kids.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Speaks on the HealthierUS School Challenge