We thank you for the life you have lived and the example you have set.
WHITEHOUSE: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Commemorates Holocaust Days of Remembrance at Marshall Center | The White House
Mr. JEFF FRASHA (Student, Liberty University): Thank you, Lord God, for the life of Dr. Jerry Falwell and thank you for this man of faith who led us all these years.
NPR: The Falwell Faithful Consider His Political Legacy
Exactly one month later, that same woman called the helpline back -- to thank them for saving her life.
CNN: 24-hour help for gay youth
Thankfully, there have been happier stories that she's been sent to report on for Breakfast - Ellen MacArthur's return after breaking the round-the-world record, when London was given the 2012 Olympics, the heart-warming recovery of Danny Biddle, who nearly died in the July 7 bombings, returning to hospital to thank staff for saving his life.
BBC: News - Breakfast - Sian Williams
"Chad, thank you for your love for your country, the dedication to your country and your love for life, " a woman said.
To all the people watching, I can never thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life.
CNN: Conan O'Brien quips about next career move: nudity
We must give ourselves permission to be less responsible in the parts of our life that women have micromanaged for decades -- the dishes, the carpool and even the thank-you notes.
CNN: Working moms, don't try to be perfect at home