As if that isn't bad enough, the study also concludes that this early death syndrome affects only women who marry outside their immediate age range.
As if that isn't bad enough, one of the signatories who claims to have worked with Obama is head of a notorious legal activist group that has spent decades defending convicted terrorists and cop-killers.
Makower explored the possibility of sinus surgery, but doctors have told him that his condition isn't bad enough to warrant that.
That isn't a bad idea in markets where just about everything seems richly valued.
But in the optimistic world of "nation branding" even that isn't all bad.
"If you can't really be bothered to wash your car, outsourcing it really isn't that bad, " he says.
The Banking Standards Commission has demonstrated, however, that ridicule isn't such a bad substitute.
The White House's top economic adviser, Gene Sperling, said the pain isn't that bad right now.
Verdict Doing this for a week in October isn't that bad.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Scotland's public transport on trial
While many experts point to Italy's problems, some contend that the financial situation isn't as bad as it appears.
Analysts say that the predicted fall isn't as bad as expected.
On first blush, it's easy to think a 2% fee isn't bad (and that's what fund companies want you to think).
Later warnings will result in you being redirected to warning websites before having your bandwidth throttled -- a curious punishment that implies slowly downloading illegal things isn't as bad as doing it quickly.
" Meanwhile, Fortune's David Kirkpatrick mused on the iPod phenomenon, declaring that a little isolation isn't necessarily such a bad thing: "Why do I, and so many others, want to cocoon ourselves off into our little music bubbles, even when we're out and about?
ENGADGET: The Pipeline: Props to Circuits, Mossberg on ultralights, Wildstrom on the PSP
It isn't immediately clear that it would be a bad thing, either.
There's been a sizable frenzy for Manning since he and the Colts parted ways, and it's fascinating to see how the allure isn't diminished by the bad neck that caused Manning to miss the entire 2011 season.
WSJ: Sympathy for Tim Tebow as Denver Woos Peyton Manning: Jason Gay
Sure, it isn't as bad as the bug that completely disables the lock screen -- identified on the Galaxy S III, but also found to work on the Note II -- but is just another reason to hope the mythical box is almost empty and at the bottom lies a fix.
We have to say that for a phone at this price point, it really isn't bad looking.
ENGADGET: Nokia announces Asha 210: a colorful QWERTY with a social heart, we go hands-on (video)
And that, in turn, suggests that, despite all the bad news, the eCommerce boom isn't over, but just begun.
Charlie Miller, a software researcher with Independent Security Evaluators, worries that the Army's diversification plan isn't enough to thwart the bad guys.
"This isn't the chance for you to decide that Wall Street is bad ... and (now) we're going to show these fat cats, " Novack said.
Sadly for Seve, his game still isn't quite there and he told me afterwards that he felt bad for Jose Maria, who had played well all day.
Researchers are increasingly concerned by evidence that the main cause of fatal highway accidents isn't defective vehicles, but bad driving.
Safety researchers are increasingly concerned by evidence that the main cause of fatal highway accidents isn't defective vehicles, but bad driving.
Though maximizing shareholder returns isn't a bad goal in itself, focusing on that at the expense of customer satisfaction, employee well-being or environmental considerations can be dangerous.
WSJ: Some B-Schools Step Up Efforts to Tie Ethics to Business Programs
Not because the weather isn't bad, but because it's so severe that our schooner can't put to sea at all.
As Cohen and Rosenstein point out in their letter Friday, TD Ameritrade isn't saying a big merger is a bad idea, just that they want to take their time.