In our politically correct way, we say we respect Muslims who aren't intent on launching a jihad, but the venom in the words of many reveals that isn't true.
That isn't true for either 401(k) plans or traditional IRAs.
WSJ: A Walk on the Dirty Side of Politics: 'Can You Tell Me a Little About Your Ex-Husband?'
It's beginning to look more and more likely that this isn't true.
Well, I hate to ruin the moment, but that simply isn't true.
That isn't quite true: At General Electric, Welch went to elaborate lengths over six years to groom a successor from a handful of clear finalists.
While the developed world has deep penetration of smartphone use, that isn't yet true in emerging markets and having an accessible price point will be important.
That isn't quite true: At General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ), Welch went to elaborate lengths over six years to groom a successor from a handful of clear finalists.
Why insult my intelligence by telling me something that I know isn't true?
If specs leaked (and since apparently pulled) on Nokia's German site turn out to be accurate when the phone presumably debuts at Mobile World Congress next week, it'll turn out that the assumption isn't exactly true.
Isn't it true that the judge had issued her order before you met with Ms. Lewinsky and before you made the calls?
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
While it may be cost effective to outsource certain applications, it isn't necessarily true that it makes sense to run them in a cloud.
But at least in her personal life, and again, I make that distinction, because this isn't necessarily true in her business life, she is one of the most fragile subjects I've ever written about.
Now, I will admit that we have added into our legislation a minimum set of standards to ensure that somebody that's seeking a policy isn't fooled by a policy that may sound too good to be true and in fact becomes too good to be true.
"It's quite true that our record isn't good because of course we're playing out of season, " said Evans.
Isn't it also true that after World War I, the British perceived nationalist feelings in the area (Egypt and Sudan), so drew up a project to split the country by annexing the predominantly Black South to Uganda while keeping the northern "condominium" Arab and Muslim?
It's true that in-vitro meat isn't natural.
CNN: In-vitro meat: Would lab-burgers be better for us and the planet?
It's true that the U.S. isn't yet ready to deploy a missile defense, so waiting wouldn't have to cripple future efforts.
The problem isn't that idea: it is of course, absolutely true.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Facebook, single identities, and the right to be anonymous
Mr Zygier's uncle, the musician Willy Zygier, told ABC local radio in Melbourne that he had "no idea what is true, what isn't true".
If you're presupposing that they're always phoning and networking and so on, it isn't true.
But its impact on markets could be even worse than a default, it could be a default on steroids: if it became accepted that membership of the eurozone isn't forever, huge doubts would arise about the true value of hundreds of billions of euros of contracts.
And so once that was shown to be true, it was said, well, this isn't a nutritional supplement anymore, this is a drug.