From the opening track of Toronto artist Laura Barrett's debut LP, Victory Garden, it's clear that this isn't the work of a traditional singer-songwriter.
My powerful massage from the spa's Maya therapist, the granddaughter of a shaman, proved that "energy work" isn't always just a catchphrase.
That sort of police work isn't singled out for prizes, but maybe it will inspire police in other American cities wondering about stopping their own version of the Tsarnaevs to take a fresh look at how New York does it.
Since that time, we've passed a Recovery Act that's put a middle-class tax cut into people's pockets, that has invested in infrastructure all across this country and put people back to work, and something that isn't noted often enough, has helped stabilize state budgets at a time in which we could have seen hundreds of thousands of layoffs in teachers and police officers and firefighters.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Press After Cabinet Meeting
"Capturing the work that goes into life on the Westside (of Los Angeles) is my way of making sure that my work is documented and their work is documented and this isn't forgotten, " he said.
This is the kind of offer you think up once upon a dream, but this getaway is entirely three dimensional, and if that isn't reason to whistle while you work, we don't know what is.
Edwards jumped into his traditional stump speech, urging Americans to work for a nation that isn't divided by wealth.
"It helps us back out of the mind set that said something that doesn't work as a single agent isn't going to be a good drug, " said Dr. Winer.
"Any way you cut it, this isn't a policy that's going to work for them in the long run, " says Jennifer Richmond, China analyst with Stratfor, an Austin, Tex. consulting firm.
"It simply isn't fair that households on out-of-work benefits can receive a greater income from the state than the average working household gets in wages, " he said.
Isn't that how the free market is supposed to work?
WSJ: Manchester United, Wayne Rooney Enter Familiar Territory Over Contract
It isn't his work, of course, that Sylvia can't stand in her husband.
MRS. OBAMA: But the one thing that I know is that all the work you're doing, it isn't easy.
Relieved to finally hit the On button for the project after years of work, Villareal isn't thinking that far into the future at the moment.
CNN: San Francisco turns a bridge into art with 25,000 lights
"The risk is that someone getting paid for just a few hours of work isn't going to do a great job, " he says.
There's a (fairly evasive) explanation as to why copy-protected media won't work, while commenters remind us that hardware compatibility isn't as surefire as we'd always like.
Mr. Issa says he isn't uncomfortable, but is angry that he can't find work and start a family.
That reckless policy will soon put thousands of Gulf Coast residents out of work, but the White House knows that BP isn't liable under current law for those claims.
There isn't any question that directors should be compensated for their time and their work, but why the extra reward for doing what they already agreed to do--show up?
While V isn't out of the question, I'm skeptical that we can quickly work off the huge inventories and industrial capacities we've accumulated.
Anyone who would judge me for this weakness that I've identified and am treating probably isn't someone I would want to work for or date anyway.
But today -- when stress might feel life-threatening but usually isn't -- this only means that you have a harder time focusing on work when your mind is on your visiting in-laws or a speech you have to give.
In a joint letter to communications minister Ed Vaizey, ISPs warn that plans to open up BT's ducts will not work if the price isn't cut.
And while this is a complicated piece of work, what we have to do is make sure that the patient isn't inconvenienced and sees a seamless transition through to the new way of doing it.
BBC: Staffordshire social care workers could transfer to NHS
In its conviction that "change" isn't effected through rhetoric alone, but through the hard slog of campaign work, persuasion, inspiration, inclusion and good old, bad old politicking, "Milk" says something about how progress is achieved in America.
In a celebrity-saturated culture, it can be difficult for adults to draw the line between what is acceptable behavior and what may work in the fantasy land that exists in the Hollywood Hills, but isn't actually real-world appropriate.
And you can go driving more money into it, as we saw in the News of the World poll today, but it still isn't going to work because the system itself was designed for an era that has gone.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative Leader, Iain Duncan Smith MP