If a lender tries to play it safe then she will still get screwed by the fact that any loan she makes will be to a buyer who is paying market price, which is bubble inflated.
And I know that she will be remembered as somebody who helped make a difference in this country and this world.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Designates Fort Monroe a National Monument | The White House
Vieira, 52, will replace Katie Couric, who announced yesterday that she will be jumping ship to CBS (nyse: CBS - news - people ) when her contract expires at the end of May.
And what about the argument that she is a negligent mother who will be distracted from her important role?
We have Ambassador Susan Rice, who has indicated that she will be staying on in New York as the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, a Cabinet-level position.
And she has thoughts aplenty after she joins a Boston law firm -- only to discover that she will be working closely with her ex-boyfriend, who happens to be the love of her life.
CNN: Young lawyer's thoughts spring to life in 'Ally McBeal' - Sept. 12, 1997
She said that couples who register will also benefit because they will be more mature when they marry.
Still, as she walks onto the stage, DeGeneres will certainly be aware that the millions who tune in around the world don't always agree.
Johansen's associate told Reuters that an unnamed client will soon use this technology so its copy-protected content will be playable on iPods, but she declined to give any details on who that might be.
Because then and only then will she be viewed as a legitimate contender and peer who deserves the kind of serious attention that neither swimsuits nor 30th place finishes can afford.
FORBES: Danica's Historic Daytona 500 Pole is Huge for Fox, Stewart-Haas Racing, and GoDaddy.com
If Augusta National admits it was prepared to make an offer but she wouldn't accept, it has admitted that membership is open to women, and it will immediately be asked who the next candidate will be and when.