And I am grateful to all of you because I know that you are here because you believe in the possibilities of remaking America to become what it can be.
MRS. OBAMA: Man, isn't that something? (Applause.) Hello everyone, and welcome to the White House. (Applause.) I am just thrilled that you all are here today.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Speaks on the HealthierUS School Challenge
And the fact that all of you are here today tells me that we all share these same values, that we all learn these same lessons.
With the ones that are similar, and going back to what you said about the teaching moments, the plants that are here that are similar, some of the ones that you are looking at, are they along fault lines?
So, on behalf of Michelle and our entire family, I want to say how grateful I am that all of you are here.
Because of Gaylord Nelson, and millions of Americans like some of you that are here today who joined him, we begin to make things a little bit better.
And I know -- and let me assume that all of you here are friends of Korea, which makes this occasion that much more meaningful.
And when you tell people who have broken the law to come here that they can stay here, then you are simply slapping all of the folks in the face who have done it the right way or who are waiting to.
That is the spirit that all of you are renewing here today.
WHITEHOUSE: Naturalization Ceremony for U.S. Service Members
All that said, do you believe that Republicans here in Washington are purposefully lying about the stimulus?
And you see that spirit and you see that strength here in Colorado Springs, where people are working together, promising each other to rebuild.
And these are the reasons that I want you to tell your friends and neighbors who are not here that they should support the President.
One criticism of this policy that you hear, for instance here from Noah Smith, is that they are pointless because you need international cooperation to make a real dent.
"My guarantee to you is that FEMA will stay here as long as we are needed to help you in every way possible that we can help you, " he said.
Next time you wake up and hit the alarm button take a breath and know that chondrules are likely what got you here.
FORBES: Planets Made Easy: The Cosmic Glue That Binds Us All
And maybe, she says, that is the lesson here: that no matter where you are in life, look at what you have and be grateful.
So that's why you are all here today and we're really excited to have you.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
Out on the street is a sense of possibility, this idea that when you come here you are welcomed and you are given opportunity.
FORBES: After Tech Boost, Design Begins to Pique Interest in New York
The idea that you'd ever split and say that these devices are here and these devices are here, that goes against the whole direction, which is user-centric.
Anyone who has ever been to Rwanda can tell you that the hills here are no joke: every hairpin turn boasts views of mountains and more mountains, and even the urban neighborhoods are built on steep hillsides.
So all of these steps have made a real difference in the lives of the people who own and work at small businesses all across America -- and that includes all of you who are here with us today.
WHITEHOUSE: Putting Government on the Side of Small Business
And I know that many of you here today are doing equally important work in your communities and your schools -- everything from holding camps for kids in need to teaching computer literacy skills, to finding new ways to conserve energy.
These American patriots -- all the services that are represented up here today, all of you who are out there today -- you're the reason why America and our Armed Forces remain the greatest force for peace and security that the world has ever known.
WHITEHOUSE: The President delivers Remarks at Independence Day Celebration | The White House
"You've got to kind of trust the people that are here to monitor and look after you, " he said.
And I know that many of you here and around the world are making a difference in ways that will never show up on the TV.
As the CEO of a cloud service that helps businesses exchange files with clients and vendors, I am here to tell you that you are justified in having some concerns about cloud computing.
Now that you know the rules, here are some questions you may be asking.
"My land is where the pine trees are that you can see right here, " says Mahmoud Hazameh, 68.
Ms. NDUMBU: The business here today in the shop is not that good, because you know the problem we are having here right now.