One of the architects of 20th-century Hungarian music, he championed the music of Bartok and Kodaly.
CNN: Monday,
The vastly increased access to a major art form that resulted from the introduction of audio recordings of music in the 20th century.
Horowitz, in the 20 years since his death, has only gained in stature as one of the titans of 20th-century music.
NPR: Horowitz Rediscovered At Carnegie Hall
Just as Kandinsky turned his back on figuration, so did the atonal composers of the early 20th century, led by Arnold Schoenberg, abandon tonal harmony, the fundamental ordering principle on which all Western classical music had previously been based.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Israeli folk music, as we know it, developed only in the 20th century and did not hit full stride until after the Second World War.
FORBES: Modern Mix
"He was one of the greatest legends of the 20th century and he will live for more centuries than I think anyone else connected with music - he was a legend, " added another.
BBC: Funeral of Ray Charles
He has travelled to Europe to buy and bring home Balinese paintings and weavings collected during the time of Dutch colonial influence over Indonesia - in the 19th and early 20th century - and has set up schools for local children to learn traditional forms of dance, music and painting.
BBC: High spirits in Bali
It was while he was still at school that Mr Carter's interest in modern music was fired up by his encounters with Charles Ives, the most radical of the early 20th-century American modernists.
ECONOMIST: Elliott Carter