The effect is vexing in direct proportion to the quality of the afflicted paintings.
True to their creed, journalists are supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Health officials are also stepping up vaccinations for thousands of peo ple in the afflicted area.
In fact, it defies credibility that the growth of an epidemic is the fault of the afflicted.
WSJ: The Experts: What role should government play in combatting obesity?
Oswalt has no obvious ties to Boston, and he makes a living telling jokes, not comforting the afflicted.
CNN: Celebrity's Facebook post about Boston attacks goes viral
Doctors watch helplessly as 15% of the afflicted children suffer relapses and die.
And there are plenty of ways to compensate the afflicted without blocking competition.
Beyond the influx of reconstruction funds, the disaster has helped open the purse strings of people in the afflicted areas.
The German financial establishment was complicit from the beginning in the inflating of some of the bubbles in the afflicted nations.
FORBES: The Botching of the Cyprus Bailout: Worse Than Lehman Brothers
"I think the job of the Church is not simply to comfort the afflicted, but to afflict the comfortable, " he said.
BBC: Ed Miliband warns of St Paul's protest 'danger signals'
This conviction leads us into the world to help the afflicted, and defend the peace, and confound the designs of evil men.
The new therapy involved immobilising one or more fingers of the afflicted hand with splints, while leaving the finger affected by dystonia free.
We can ask if there is a better way to address the needs of the mentally ill to protect both the afflicted and society.
Nor could Mr Hashimoto promise that Japan's banks would not call in their loans to companies in the afflicted countries, perhaps precipitating national bankruptcies.
The sick gather strength from the help and good wishes of relatives and friends, who, in turn, are strengthened by the courage of the afflicted.
Meanwhile, every season of college football or basketball sees hundreds of lesser injuries, to lesser players, on lesser stages, with no compensation for the afflicted.
That uncertainty is mirrored everywhere in the afflicted Tohoku region.
His job is to identify the bad spirits that are attaching themselves to the juus (soul) of a person, and by placing himself in a trance he is able to purify the afflicted soul.
That simple military logic explains the paralysis that afflicted the would-be peacemakers in Rome on July 26th (see article).
What the billions afflicted by malaria in the world today need is access to treatment and better prevention through bed-nets and indoor spraying.
Hard experience suggests that such an international environment would be prone to renewed cataclysms of the kind that afflicted the planet twice in the last century, at the cost of tens of millions of lives.
It speaks to the resilience and strength of Chinese culture in helping the particular afflicted group align its interests with the general collective society, enabling them to live out their lives enduring the pains of their life situation.
Dr. William Graham, President Reagan's Science Advisor, estimates that, if the electricity is off in large sections of America (far more than the relatively small part of the country afflicted by Katrina) for as long as a year, the effect will not simply be on the quality of life here.
The OECD's figures highlight the continuing weakness that has afflicted the developed world.
Foreign direct investment, unsurprisingly enough, has slowed to a trickle, while the capital flight that has afflicted the country since the crisis continues.
And as damaging and prolonged as its downturn has been, it has lasted nowhere near as long as the turmoil that afflicted Europe in the interwar years.
WSJ: Brussels Beat: Parallels With 1920s Raise Worries Over Extremism
Merck is unveiling new experimental medicines to treat osteoporosis, heart disease and obesity, trying to convince Wall Street that it is emerging from the invention drought that has afflicted the entire drug business.
Merck (nyse: MRK - news - people ) is unveiling new experimental medicines to treat osteoporosis, heart disease and obesity, trying to convince Wall Street that it is emerging from the invention drought that has afflicted the entire drug business.
The cost of plastic surgery has not experienced the kind of inflation that has afflicted the rest of the health care industry.
But a debate drags on over promised reparations for the worst afflicted.