The apostles have conducted a 30-year global experiment, and the results are now in.
Martha Hill, immediate past president of the American Heart Association, is one of the apostles of such a notion.
It's a similar story for Stars, Metric and the Apostles of Hustle, all bands with members in Broken Social Scene.
Keynes was a mathematics, not economics, major at Cambridge and wrote essays for the Apostles on almost every subject but economics.
It similarly claims that Jesus, Mary and the apostles were Muslims.
In it, he manages to compare Laurel and Hardy with the Apostles Peter and Paul, and barely heard tunes on a car radio to the Stations of the Cross.
No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
FORBES: In An Election About the Economy, Mitt Romney Should Embrace His Mormonism
Word-of-mouth marketing, after all, predates even the apostles.
The Reverend Glenn Chalmers, of the Holy Apostles soup kitchen in New York, is glad that the federal government has finally taken the lead on this issue.
Back on the train and continuing north, at Prado station is the Iglesia Los Doce Apostoles (Church of the Twelve Apostles), and moments later just after Hospital station on the right is the Cementerio de San Pedro, containing a remarkable number of extravagant tombstones, sepulchral chapels and mausoleums.
World-renowned soprano Lucia Aliberti will perform arias by Vivaldi, Mozart, Puccini and more at the Basilica of the Holy Apostles on Easter Sunday at 8:30 pm.
And Cardinal O'Brien said a younger successor who was able to serve for a longer period of time may be able to "get more things done, to steady us up a wee bit and to give us something of the courage of the earlier apostles again".
The rite re-enacts Jesus' washing of the feet of his 12 apostles during the Last Supper before his crucifixion, a sign of his love and service to them.
Francis' decision to include two females -- an Italian and an Eastern European -- in the ceremony disturbed some traditionalists, who believe the 12 people should reflect the 12 male apostles.
During the service, the pope washes and kisses the feet of 12 people to replicate the Bible's account of Jesus Christ's gesture of humility towards his 12 apostles on the night before he was crucified.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
During Thursday's intimate service at Casal del Marmo, the Pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 young detainees to replicate the Bible's account of Jesus Christ's gesture of humility towards his 12 apostles on the night before he was crucified.
Although it probably won't win a following of apostles for the feat, Carnegie Mellon University bot Water Runner's ability to, well, walk on water, is at least worthy of a small write-up in a gadget blog, we think.
On the fresh surface, Malskat repainted apostles and saints that had previously been only faint and incomplete.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
The church's liturgical law holds that only men can participate in the rite, given that Jesus' apostles were all male.
Churchill's apostles argue for him as the century's titan on these grounds.
Obama believed that his rhetoric would change the strategic environment -- and his White House apostles wasted no time before declaring that his Cairo speech was responsible for Hezbollah's electoral setback in Lebanon a few days later.
The Catholic Church restricts the priesthood to men, arguing that Jesus and his 12 apostles were male.
The 12 people chosen for the ritual would always be priests to represent Christ's 12 apostles.
The dichotomy is frankly stated in a new book by two fervent apostles of modernity, Guy Cooper and Gordon Taylor.
Before most app apostles did, Benioff saw that business software was moving to the Web.
Spanish colonial paintings of the Last Supper in the cathedral in Cusco, the former Inca capital, and in Lima's San Francisco monastery portray Christ and his apostles feasting on a plate of roasted cuy.