While inclusion of a Figure 4 is not essential for the purpose of illuminating the statistical flaws in the Douglass et al. "consistency test", such a Figure would clearly show the (currently large) structural uncertainties in radiosonde-based estimates of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature changes.
At the bottom of the Knotty Head hole, the 450-degree-Fahrenheit temperature and the pressure (2, 000 times atmospheric) would crush or melt most drilling tools.
Climate sensitivity is how much will the temperature change over a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (more strictly, CO2-e, taking account of methane and all the other gasses and converting them to CO2 equivalents).
FORBES: Lower Climate Sensitivity Means That Climate Change Becomes A Much Cheaper Problem To Solve
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) said that their analysis of temperature data from a global network of weather stations indicated that the average temperature for 2012 was 0.57C above the 20th Century average.
However, I fully agree with Tom's comment that we don't want to do anything to "steal the thunder" from ongoing efforts to improve sonde-based estimates of atmospheric temperature change, and to better quantify structural uncertainties in those estimates.
Temperature increases were found to increase the chances of people developing severe headaches, and low atmospheric pressure, which usually causes cloudy, stormy weather, can have a smaller effect.
What is the temperature rise, after the effects of both positive and negative feedbacks, from a doubling of atmospheric CO2-e?
Then in the early 20th Century, German chemist Fritz Haber invented a high temperature-high pressure technique to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
Temperatures averaged 88.9 degrees in Oklahoma -- the warmest monthly statewide average temperature ever recorded -- and 87.1 degrees in Texas, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Monday.
CNN: Heat wave: Oklahoma, Texas endure warmest months on record
In The Wall Street Journal opinions section, a group of 16 scientists, including former professors and chiefs of several atmospheric research institutes, have argued boldly that global warming is no cause for panic, claiming that the mean temperature of the Earth has not changed for more than a decade.
This is how much temperature will rise given a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (technically, CO2-equivalent, converting all the methane etc to one handy unit).
FORBES: If the MWP Was Global What Does That Tell Us About Climate Change Now?