"He definitely aspires to a much grander role for himself, " says West, the biographer.
CNN: latimes.com: Talking baseball and politics with George W. Bush
He's married to the biographer Lady Antonia Fraser, and he loves a good game of cricket.
It is no surprise that the biographer, like his subject, occasionally gets weary.
He was always preening himself in the mirror of history, always wondering how his life would look to the biographer.
Caroline Benn, the biographer, renowned educationalist and wife of former cabinet minister Tony Benn, has died in hospital after a long illness.
To the outside eye of the biographer is added another complication: these characters are chameleons and shape-shifters, deliberately out to lose themselves.
The biographer does not share his subject's taste for playing devil's advocate.
Mr Korda's prose skips along through 700 pages but he cannot resist the biographer's twitch of making pointless, speculative claims for his subject.
Stahr, the biographer of John Jay, another underappreciated American diplomat who conducted delicate negotiations with the British, is generally restrained to a fault.
But he would be the first to confess that the biographer, like the lover, never wholly possesses the prey he thinks he has caught.
After a while, reassured by the rigorous scholarship behind the speculation, the reader begins to trust the biographer's instinct and to accept her suggestions.
His most recent partner was the biographer, Lady Annunziata Asquith.
Frederick was perhaps the greatest military genius of the 18th century, and it is this aspect of his career that Sir David Fraser emphasises (appropriately, given that Sir David is a retired British army general and the biographer of Erwin Rommel).
She is also a historian, with a Cambridge doctorate in early French utopian socialism, followed by a research fellowship in the history of ideas, and she has carved out an estimable place for herself in an energetically brainy family: her father is the biographer A. N.
Modern life is Taylorized life, the Taylor biographer Robert Kanigel observed, a dozen years back.
The musician "reluctantly" retired in early 2012 after being diagnosed with lung cancer, but according to the Troggs' biographer Alan Clayson, he gave the band his blessing to go forward.
The novelist is able to go where the historian and biographer cannot, imagining what it might have been like to be Cromwell.
When the FBI investigated, it traced the emails to Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell, bringing to light her affair with the CIA chief.
By contrast, Mr Eisner's flaw (he has plenty, but this is the one his biographer points to as his downfall) is his meanness.
Though Mr Bellow is Canadian-born, the city of Chicago has always been a vital part of his inspiration, and his biographer captures the ebullience of life in an immigrant neighbourhood in the 1920s and 1930s, where the strains of survival were more than compensated by a bustling energy and sense of shared possibility.
That distinction belongs to the not very distinguished biographer of Voltaire, S.G.
Apple has a tease from a Steve Jobs biographer that the late icon solved the TV remote nightmare, a known interest in wearable computing, but nothing tangible that anyone could dream on.
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When the FBI investigated, it traced the emails to Mr Petraeus's biographer Paula Broadwell, bringing to light her affair with the CIA chief.
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The former Apple CEO "conceded the price-fixing conspiracy when, the day after publicly announcing Apple's forthcoming iBookstore, he explained to his authorized biographer that Apple had told the publishers, 'We'll go to the agency model, where you set the price, and we get our 30 percent, and yes, the customer pays a little more, but that's what you want anyway, '" the government says in court papers.
The man who is now Pope once talked about the two priests to his biographer.
Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.
Petraeus resigned on November 9 as the FBI investigated whether his biographer, Paula Broadwell, had inappropriate access to classified information.
Worthen, whose career as a Lawrence biographer began in the 1980s, admits his subject's oeuvre has been overshadowed by the Lady Chatterley controversy.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | New view on DH Lawrence's legacy
The problem to some extent mirrors the familiar difficulties facing any biographer of a living or recently living person: they may have to deal with their subject in person, with relatives, with estates and with other would-be defenders of the great and the good.
For this amount of brain-power and strategic and tactical thinking to be lost to the United States because of an affair with his biographer will no doubt seem to many in Europe and the rest of the world to be completely disproportionate.