• Bosnia and Herzegovina was granted funding for the translation of UNESCO and the World Anti-Doping Agency educational materials into the various languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their dissemination to young athletes, athlete support personnel and representatives of sports federations.


  • The economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina remains shaky--20% of the population live below the poverty line and unemployment is at an estimated 20%.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The proposed joint programme is designed to address and overcome the significant barriers faced in effectively delivering environmental services and management at the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

    UNESCO: Water

  • These included Operation Atalanta - combating piracy off the coast of Somalia, and the peacekeeping work in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

    BBC: Security and Defence Committee

  • However at the end of the British mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2007, and in accordance with Army policy, the memorials were removed and have been in storage at the Regimental Office in Gloucester ever since.

    BBC: Plaques to soldiers killed in Bosnia rededicated

  • The Science Policy Ministerial Meetings of South East Europe, a ministerial round table and an expert meeting, are jointly organized by the UNESCO Venice Office and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 22-23 November 2012 in order to discuss science priorities and potential regional strategies to strengthen Research, Technology and Innovation in SEE.

    UNESCO: Bosnia and Herzegovina to host discussions towards the elaboration of a roadmap of science priorities in South East Europe | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Along with the focus on the development of culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Programme supported the rehabilitation of three symbols of multiculturalism: the Orthodox Church in Mostar, the Ferhadija Mosque in Banja Luka, and the Monastery in Plehan near Derventa.

    UNESCO: Sarajevo conference showcases the importance of improving intercultural dialogue, restoring symbols of multiculturalism and fostering intercultural education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The project will be carried out in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (UNSCR1244) as well as Turkey, whose representatives attended the ceremony.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • The Skopje roundtable was the first in a cycle of national events, which will take place in each country participating in the programme: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Kosovo.


  • The six were accused at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia of trying to "ethnically cleanse" non-Croats from areas of the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    CNN: 6 former Bosnian Croat leaders convicted of war crimes

  • My government will ensure strong arrangements for defence based on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, and promote international peace and security, especially in the Middle East and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    BBC: The Queen's speech in full

  • Financed by the European Union, this project aims at encouraging, assisting and accelerating media reforms in the South-East European countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Kosovo (under UNSCR1244).

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Mr. Eide previously served with the United Nations as Special Envoy of the Secretary-General to undertake a comprehensive review of Kosovo in 2005 and as Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1997-1998.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • Eleven countries from south-east Europe were represented at the Forum: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia, and observers from Spain, United Arab Emirates and Switzerland.


  • The Office of the High Representative (OHR) is the chief civilian peace implementation agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, set up by the Dayton peace accord of 1995.

    BBC: Ashdown candidate for UN Bosnia job

  • In Sarajevo this month, Gretchen Kalonji, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, attended the Ministerial Round Table and, together with Sredoje Novic, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, chaired the encounter.

    UNESCO: Ministers of South East Europe to speak with one voice to further regional science agenda | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Professor Devetak feels that the events in Cyprus in the Seventies and more recently, in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, have seriously damaged the notion of a multicultural or multireligious society.


  • His unit was part of the landing force of the sixth fleet sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support Nato-led peace-keeping efforts.

    BBC: Gen John R. Allen

  • Ministers of Science and Education from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska also took the floor, as did the Deputy Minister from The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the State Secretary of Serbia.

    UNESCO: Ministers of South East Europe to speak with one voice to further regional science agenda | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Women for Women was founded in 1993 and now operates in: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Sudan.

    FORBES: From Zainab Salbi to Afshan Khan: What's Next For Women For Women International?

  • "Microcredit groups have had a significant role in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the postwar period, increasing income levels, reducing poverty, developing businesses and stimulating employment, " says Kemal Kozaric, governor of the country's central bank.

    FORBES: Up From The Rubble

  • For the same reason, everyone wants to encourage Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania to keep on the path towards membership (Albania is going to take a while).

    ECONOMIST: Enlargement enriches old as well as new members

  • Giacomo Mazzone, Assistant Secretary General of the European Broadcasting Union reminded the meeting that in countries like Bosnia Herzegovina the institutional attention of a PSB towards multiculturalism, multilinguism and tolerance for minority can assist the reconciliation process.

    UNESCO: Education

  • Also speaking were the representatives of China, Libya, Viet Nam, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Panama, Russian Federation, Japan (in his capacity and as Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission), Liechtenstein, Ghana, Slovenia (on behalf of the European Union), Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Netherlands, Israel, Iceland (also on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden), Nigeria, Brazil, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada, Ecuador, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Austria, Argentina, Colombia, United Republic of Tanzania, Germany, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Rwanda, Philippines, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Tonga (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myanmar, Tunisia, Benin, Mauritania and San Marino.

    UN: Security Council

  • The battery factory that sits along the main road between Potocari and Srebrenica in eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina is quaint and quiet.

    FORBES: Bitter Sixteen

  • Since then, involvement in protecting Kurdish refugees in 1991, peace-keeping duties in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo have kept the brigade busy.

    BBC: Elite UK troops stand by

  • Franjo Tudjman of Croatia, Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia and Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-Herzegovina initialed the agreement at about 4 p.m.

    CNN: Balkan leaders initial peace agreement

  • The conference will comprise museum directors and experts from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey.


  • The conference will comprise museum directors and experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey.

    UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The division led the attacks on Iraqi Republican Guard divisions in the 1991 Persian Gulf war and also participated in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

    CNN: Specials

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