As laughter erupted in the briefing room, Carney took a more serious tone.
I'm not sure it's actually been discussed in the briefing room -- Libor.
When his counterpart, James Baker, appears in the briefing room they share, the former Secretary of State brings aides, files and a bank of supplementary flags to solemnify his surroundings.
First, tomorrow I will be joined here in the briefing room by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg for an important announcement regarding tobacco use and public health.
We grabbed a few samples with the primary shooter, and they're looking pretty good -- there's low noise in the dim briefing room, although the shots (taken with the new auto mode) often lost a little bit of detail.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia Z: hands-on with the new flagship at CES 2013 (video)
He spoke after the first of a series of daily ministerial meetings - in the Cobra briefing room - to be held throughout the Games period.
Thank you for being here in the Brady Briefing Room for your daily briefing.
Bush said at a historic news conference in May in the White House briefing room -- the first ever by a first lady.
President Obama today took to the podium in the White House Briefing Room to discuss the state of the economy and answer a few questions from reporters.
Following a briefing from FBI Director Mueller, Attorney General Holder, Secretary Napolitano, and homeland security advisor Lisa Monaco, President Obama went to the Brady Press Briefing Room to update Americans on developments in Boston, following two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday afternoon.
It's not often that reporters in the White House briefing room openly challenge this administration, and questions about its actions before, during and after the attack seem likely to remain in the news.
For decades, the idea that America had limits was not often expressed in the White House briefing room.
The President will deliver a statement in the Brady Press Briefing Room.
Today, President Obama walked into the White House briefing room and took some questions, and one of them revolved around recess appointments.
But a spokesman, who described the theatre as a briefing room, said any future use would be determined by the site's purchaser.
As the 14 undergraduates from Cambridge and Oxford receive their final briefing before heading to the tasting room, some of my team, a collection of wine critics, television wine experts and newspaper columnists, look decidedly uneasy.
Hamdani said he did not know if anybody in the room for the briefing knew the suspects.
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House, the President announced that Vice President Joe Biden will lead a new initiative that has been tasked with identifying concrete proposals for real reform by January.
The main briefing for the three senators took place in a conference room at the U.S. Embassy complex.
No fewer than five American flags flanked the podium when Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha strode into a Capitol briefing room to announce his dramatic reversal on the war in Iraq.
Welcome to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room for your daily briefing.
That is why Mr Cable also wants more "diversity" in the board room - more "lawyers, public servants and academics", according to a briefing from the Business Department - to introduce the views of the wider world into discussions about how and how much an executive should be rewarded.
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Earlier today, reporters gathered in the press room at Foggy Bottom waiting for their daily briefing.
And at the point -- I think Mr. Brennan described this yesterday at the briefing or perhaps on television or maybe in both places -- that at that point the folks in the Situation Room were observers and listeners to an operation that obviously had been carefully thought out, meticulously prepared for.
Manual Diemer, the COIN academy's commandant, speaking in his spare briefing room at Camp Taji.