• Almost 30% of Ireland's job growth in the first half of this decade came from the building trade.

    ECONOMIST: Unemployment

  • They argue that this will bring economic benefits and boost the building trade.

    BBC: Defeat possible on home extension plan, warns MP

  • Valencia's building sites were booming at the time and for someone with experience in the building trade, this was the place to be.

    BBC: Death shatters migration dream

  • Martin Holmes from the Jersey Construction Council said Le Masurier's project was needed to sustain the building trade in Jersey and that a lot of islanders were going to miss out.

    BBC: Millennium Town Park

  • "This is such a tragic case and serves to highlight the importance of proper regulation of the domestic building trade, " he said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

    BBC: Meg Burgess: MP raises wall death campaign in Commons

  • Mr Bush came to power last year a committed free-trader: he envisages the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas, building on the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and stretching from Canada to Chile.

    ECONOMIST: APEC, terrorism and trade

  • Clinton appeared at the Reagan Trade building New Year's ceremony for international diplomats and their children.

    CNN: Clinton toasts 2000 at White House VIP dinner

  • Demand in Russia was also robust with a 28 percent increase in the first quarter to 20.4 tons, attributed partly to stock building among the trade.

    FORBES: Global Gold Jewelry Demand Down 6% in Q1

  • And to this end, both our countries will work on regional trade and investment rules-making, with a view to building AFTA or the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Noda of Japan | The White House

  • Among the bystanders was one immersed in the legacy of the attacks: Van Vanable, heading home from his job as an ironworker building the new 1 World Trade Center.

    NPR: Possible 9/11 Plane Landing Gear Part Found In NYC

  • So on the top floor of a trade union building in Rabat, the 20 February movement has been plotting their next move.

    BBC: Is Morocco next in line for mass uprisings?

  • There were a number of survey teams surrounding the World Trade Center building and their purpose was to determine exactly that -- how stable the surrounding buildings were.

    CNN: Steelman and Angeli: Search and rescue at ground zero

  • Without discussing price, they spent the day deciding who'd be chairman (Duffy) and the fate of the trading floors (the Merc's would move into the Board of Trade building).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The three smaller building societies have continued to trade separately from the parent organisation.

    BBC: Nationwide expected to shed 500 jobs in regional shake-up

  • Consider the lives saved as a result of thwarting just two of KSM's deadlier plots: One was an attack aimed at Heathrow Airport and the other was to have hit a West Coast version of the World Trade Center, likely the Trans America building in San Francisco.


  • Land-grabbers who rented government plots illegally to fly-by-night shops, taking money that belonged to the city. (Mr Hamidi would burst into such places with shovel in hand, pushing people aside, shouting at them to clear their rubbish away.) And, over all these, the swaggering local powerbrokers who demanded their share of the opium trade, the military contracts and the building projects, like boys fighting for candy at a wedding.

    ECONOMIST: Ghulam Haider Hamidi

  • The 7 World Trade Centre office tower, the only building completed at the site, opened in May.

    ECONOMIST: How much, and how little, has changed

  • During the 18th and 19th centuries, improvements in ship-building technology and the repeal of protectionist trade laws made it easier and easier for people to ship goods over great distances.

    FORBES: Density Limits Are Urban Protectionism

  • The major focuses include landmark locations such as the Empire State Building and World Trade Center site.

    WSJ: NYC stays alert as precaution; mayor rides subway

  • The next frontier in our relationship will be building stronger ties of trade and commerce that match the security cooperation we have achieved.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • It will be an antenna for a television broadcast facility in the building, which rises from the site near the original World Trade Center towers, which fell in the 2001 attacks.

    CNN: Crews finish installing World Trade Center spire

  • New York (CNN) -- Construction crews at the 16-acre World Trade Center site will raise the final two sections of a 408-foot spire to the top of One World Trade Center on Monday morning, making the building the tallest in the Western Hemisphere, according to the site's management.


  • Mr Morgan said that since the jobs at Anglesey Aluminium can only therefore be saved by having a specific and reliable energy source, the assembly government, the company, and the Department of Trade and Industry are looking at the option of building a small to medium sized power plant.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Power station 'deal to save jobs'

  • Already the noise in the trade press surrounding Windows NT 5.0 is building to a feverish pitch.

    FORBES: Net gains

  • But by the time it was completed in 1598, the Guadalquivir River had begun to silt up, causing all New World trade to move to Cadiz and the building became a rather opulent filing cabinet instead.

    BBC: Seville's threatened architectural heritage

  • Highland Council said in January that the building work had been a welcome boost during difficult times in the construction trade.

    BBC: Funding sought for Scotland's Housing Expo

  • The recent spate of accidents in the garment trade, especially in Bangladesh, where in addition to the building collapse more than 100 have also died in factory fires over the past year has led labor unions and worker-safety groups to press Western retailers to tighten oversight of their supply chains.

    WSJ: 3 Die in Cambodia Factory Collapse

  • Despite that, Frankfurt's equivalent to the World Trade Center, the Messeturm building, was open only to be evacuated early on Wednesday after police received a bomb alert.

    CNN: Attacks spark global red alert

  • It's calculated 1, 200, 000 tonnes of building materials were pulverised at the World Trade Center and most minerals are present in the dust (not necessarily in a large quantity).

    BBC: 9/11 conspiracy theories

  • Man 'O War Cay has been the centre of Bahamian boat-building for 200 years, with the Albury Brothers still plying the trade along the waterfront.

    BBC: Lobster diving in the Abacos

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