But until concrete measures are taken, all that the modern Russian Army will share with those who answered the call to arms in 1918, is its lack of up-to-date equipment.
But I would suggest respectfully to all of my colleagues for all the wrong messages this resolution will send to our enemies, nothing it contains will be more devastating than what it says to our troops, to our military, those brave men and women in uniform who answered the call to arms, issued not by some ephemeral entity, but by us, by this Congress.
"Just as the crew of the Monitor fought tirelessly to keep their 'old-time knight in armour' afloat, so have many worked tirelessly since her loss to keep their commitment to her, and to the 16 sailors who answered the call-to-arms of a young nation in peril, and paid the ultimate price, " said Kathryn Sullivan, acting National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) administrator.
In 1991, Gore wrote the bestseller, "Earth in the Balance, " a call to arms to protect the air, water and land.
Defending Freedom However heady the appeal of a call to arms, however just the cause, we should still shed a tear for all that will be lost when war claims its wages from us.
Smith tried to defend the inbound passer, then ran up the court with the kids, waving his arms to call for the ball.
Standing tall with a 4.3-inch display and being the first of Nokia's brood to boast LTE connectivity, the 900 is the company's call-to-arms, a mid-range contender crafted with a single-minded mission: shore up the gaps left by the lesser 800 and 710 and establish a brand presence.
He said that thinking about the afterlife in new terms leads to thoughts about what it means to be alive, saying that for some people the book was "a call to arms" to look at their actions during their lifetime and how we they do them better.
So when the Bush campaign issued a midnight call-to-arms after the Florida Supreme Court's decision last Wednesday, Feeney was ready.
But for Byron Buffalo, lay minister at the United Church of Christ in Bridger, South Dakota, the designation was a call to arms.
These quiet continuities were supposed to be reassuring, but instead they revealed the unreality that lay beneath his call to arms.
The letter from King Henry is dated 1543 and is a call to arms to landlords to recruit troops from their tenants to go into battle against the Scots.
In two YouTube videos yesterday, online activist group Anonymous addressed media and followers with a call to arms against the New York Stock Exchange.
FORBES: A Tree Falls In The Forest: Anonymous Threatens To "Erase" NYSE From Internet
For those willing to commence the next key battle on copyright reform, this is our call to arms.
FORBES: Discussing a Post-SOPA Strategy - Cellphone Unlocking
In this case, the firm concedes that the enthusiastic response to Mr Ellison's call to arms came as a surprise.
Mr Durkan said he endorsed General John De Chastelain's call for loyalist paramilitaries to engage with the arms body.
Mr Kabila, however, is enjoying huge popularity in Kinshasa after his nationalist call to arms last month to resist the rebels at the gates of the city.
If memory serves, this call to arms has been issued multiple times over the years with quite limited success.
FORBES: The Truth About Health Care's Waste, Fraud and Abuse
He said that after the call to the GP surgery he became responsive again, flinging his arms around, and they thought he was fine.
When the call went up for military veterans to raise their hands, the air was forested with arms.
Just hours after President Obama was re-elected, the U.S. backed a U.N. call to renew debate over a draft Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
If we could somehow call a halt to this intellectual arms race, Goldman would wind up with the same employees, but at lower cost to society.
Then came a phone call from Obama to Reid, cautioning him not to do anything that would drive Lieberman into the arms of the Republican caucus.
Syria proved it had other friends to call on by starting talks for an arms deal with Russia, its first since the demise of the Soviet Union.