It ruled that remarks about not wanting to talk to the camper van at a party were "not editorially justified".
The appeal court heard he had been "showing off" in his BMW sports car driving at speeds of up to 128mph, when he hit the camper van.
Previous investigations found the show had not breached guidelines, and the BBC said it felt it was clear the joke was on Clarkson or the camper van itself.
During the 2001 General Election campaign, he travelled the length of Britain in a 1976 Volkswagen camper van sprayed with the Newsnight logo - which Peter Mandelson famously stormed out of in Hartlepool after being asked whether the-then Chancellor Gordon Brown was having a perfect election campaign.
The BBC Trust has ruled that comments on Top Gear which likened the design of a camper van to people with facial disfigurements, did breach guidelines.
She said most of the alleged abuse by Mr Brewer took place in his office at the school and in his camper van.
"'Jesus in a Camper Van' takes the central idea from 'I am the Way', namely that the Son of God attracts bad luck by going round saying 'I am the Way' and embodies it in virtually identical words, " Strauss said.
Surfers say that will stop "dawnies" or early morning surfing, for camper van drivers wishing to visit the beach.
Jobs and Steve Wozniak famously created the Apple computer in Jobs' family garage, building the device by hand and financing the company through the sale of Wozniak's fancy calculator and Jobs' VW camper van.
He said that the marine was riding around a left-hand bend when he collided with a stationary camper van and suffered injuries which led to his death.
The court heard that Mr Dewani has a "withdrawn" attitude and spends his time in a disused camper van outside Fromeside Clinic in Bristol playing computer games.
The comments in question were made during an exchange between presenters Clarkson and Richard Hammond, while reviewing a Prius camper van.