In the last year the central market has been rebuilt, traffic lights put in, and 80% of the potholes fixed.
The closest spring to town is Ain al-Arais, a cool, inviting waterhole with a grotto-like bottom, just five minutes' walk from the central market.
Most of them work as traders in the central market, and say the sites they have been offered are too far away.
And though landmarks such as the central market clock tower may help you orientate yourself somewhat, chances are a map of your exact wanderings after a day out at Chatuchak would resemble most closely a plate of pad thai noodles.
Over 60, 000 people make a living in Tsukiji, including auctioneers, stevedores, porters, clerks, traders at the 1, 700-odd firms of intermediate wholesalers and a raft of trades knifemakers, restaurants, grocers that have sprung up around the central market like a ramshackle village around a castle's walls.
As part of this recovery program, the United States should seek to revive the Central American Common Market and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration.
At the Lancaster Central Market, Vicky Glosser works the register at an ice cream and salad retail food stand.
In the 1980s this meant visitors could be forgiven for thinking they had arrived on the set of a wacky sitcom, perhaps made for the Central American market, in which the actors, all speaking American with a Latin twang, were masquerading as the nation's public figures.
The bank's deputy chief executives are also accused of gaining "concealed" percentages and conducting dealings without informing the stock market authority publicly, which is against the laws of the Egyptian Central Bank and the stock market.
Intel's share of the central processor market surged to 80.5% in the second quarter from 79.2% during the first quarter, according to Mercury Research.
In particular it recognized the merits of the market over central planning and instead of using the SOE as an appendage of the state it sought to promote competition between the SOEs and the introduction of private enterprise alongside the SOEs.
FORBES: Are Chinese State Owned Enterprises A Threat To U.S. Companies?
Turning to central bank take of the publicly held US government debt market, central banks ended 2012 with a 38.1% share of the market, up 20 basis points from the 3rd quarter, but down 30 basis points from the 4th quarter 2011.
The Central Bank Stock Market Indicator by Bill Bonner originally appeared in the Daily Reckoning.
Granted, that is small beer, given that prices have trebled since the central London property market took off after Britain was ejected from the exchange-rate mechanism in 1992.
Nonetheless, by putting EU exit on the agenda and demanding the unpicking of rules that some countries regard as central to the single market, Mr. Cameron has potentially unleashed forces beyond his ability to control.
Except the Swiss central bank went into the market a few days back and insisted that the Swiss Franc would rise no more and that led to an 8% fall: a huge movement for a currency in such a short time span.
Beyond the official scrutiny lies a tussle among exchanges for market share as high-speed trading becomes a central cog of the market.
Felix Kumira, the night manager at Central Market, a catch-all food and beer purveyor inside the station, doubted new LIRR rules would do much to change the culture of drunken commuting.
Minutes from the latest meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, the central-bank panel that sets interest-rate policy, indicate a rate-cut idea has been around for a while.
The lack of a developed financial market has the flipside of making it difficult for the central bank to inject or withdraw kyat liquidity or to intervene in the dollar market as a way of combatting any sharp moves in the exchange rate, as most of it occurs with back-alley money changers.
The US Treasury pays the Federal Reserve interest on the US Treasury bonds that the central bank has bought on the open market as part of its quantitative easing, but the Fed always sends that money right back again.
Italy was already paying dangerously high interest rates - and Moody's downgrade is likely to push up the government's borrowing costs even more, unless the European Central Bank intervenes heavily in the market to invest many more billions of euros in Italian government bonds.
They also singled out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-sponsored enterprises that are central to the residential mortgage market.
Knowing they would soon have to compete in the market with a more eager central bank, market participants rushed to buy debt.
The risk must be that whatever government emerges will only prove an interlude before a fresh crisis, in which external pressure once again is required to force Rome to confront the Italian economy's structural shortcomings, perhaps in return for a deal with the European Central Bank to support the government bond market under its Outright Market Transactions program.
This most recent rise, though, came on the strength of economic figures, not market action by the central banks.
At the same time, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan have led global central banks in flooding the market with liquidity, forcing investors into riskier assets such as stocks.
The summer saw big-spending in the transfer market, with Wayne Rooney the central figure in the drama.
Signals of where the central government wants the market to go remain mixed.