The challenge for investors is deciding which asset classes to use in a portfolio.
Getting your own company off the ground and running is quite the challenge for any entrepreneur.
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And such is the challenge, or at least part of the challenge for golf.
The challenge for Halo and Black Ops is to prove they have something new to offer.
The challenge for 2013 will be about formulating the gameplan for a truly innovative customer experience.
The challenge for Wahid is to solidify the loyalty of the rest of his military officers.
The challenge for business is not merely to acknowledge this importance, which is fundamental.
The challenge for all of us is to make these invisible sources of complexity more visible.
"The challenge for prosecutors is to convince the jury that Skilling is guilty, " Carney says.
But the challenge for a lot of people is getting that money up front.
The challenge for the NHS is to move to fewer, better hospitals, which benefit from competition.
And herein lies the challenge for RIM, Facebook and a host of other companies, including Apple.
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The challenge for Redline was to protect individual sources of information as their primary mission.
The challenge for business is to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of the grey consumer.
The challenge for executives is that sentiment is increasingly blurred with true information .
Succeeding without selecting will also be the challenge for Mr Gove's other supply-side initiative: free schools.
ECONOMIST: State schools and selection: The religious and the rational | The
The challenge for policy makers and the market is to figure out what will work for them.
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The challenge for leaders involves taking the time to pause and use their empathy to build relationships.
She says the challenge for her in this piece is not to play like a classical violist.
The challenge for these top leaders is having "thoughtfulness and a certain amount of courage, " she said.
Now the challenge for me is to remodel that brand, which can be harder than building from scratch.
That is the challenge for every writer: to use words on paper to create a work of art.
The challenge for women is to communicate in a highly competent manner without coming across as too aggressive.
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Accepting this inevitability, the challenge for Japan will be to make the best of a highly problematic situation.
The challenge for the next Congress and president is not just enacting good laws, but making them stick.
The challenge for Brazil is to ensure that those new-born citizens have the same prospects as anyone else.
ECONOMIST: Brazil’s unfinished battle for racial democracy | The
The challenge for investors is to find a fund that offers the desired risk exposures at the best cost.
The challenge for Triesman will be to improve his relationship with Thompson and to keep the new board united.
The challenge for international executives is to find ways to navigate the local waters without breaking any U.S. laws.
"The challenge for people is not to get carried away, , " said Mr Roberts.