Too bad we couldn't clone Governor Perry and have the clone run for governor of California this fall.
Boisselier said 50 members of the movement have volunteered to carry the clone of a dead 10-month-old boy.
Your voice is featured in one of the big games of this year, LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
Dolly and the donor sheep were genetically identical, like twins, except that the clone was much younger than the other.
Cartoon Network's popular and innovative animated title The Clone Wars will likely shift to XD after its current deal expires.
Cartoon Network (1080i) has Star Wars: The Clone Wars at 8 p.m.
The clone du jour may also be more virulent than her forerunners.
"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is an animated show from Lucasfilm and Cartoon Network (whose parent company, Time Warner, also owns CNN).
Putting the results of the clone-by-clone approach together is relatively simple, as the position of any chunk on its parent chromosome is known before the sequencing starts.
Some of the continuing popularity of the brand has to do with the cartoon The Clone Wars which is creating a whole new generation of Star Wars fans.
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Indeed, the clone reported by the authors which contained a 24 base pair deletion in glycogag would be a classic example of a viral variant caused by the recombination of XMRV and an endogenous MLV virus.
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Less successful was the cloning of the gaur, a species of ox found in south Asia, by researchers at Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, Massachusetts: the clone died of infection days after birth.
Although Disney acquired LucasArts on October 30, 2012, Disney has made some sweeping changes gradually, such as cancelling the long-running Cartoon Network television show, The Clone Wars, as well as the upcoming live-action comedy Detours in mid March.
This move comes after retail sales of the game failed to live up to the success of the wide array of LEGO video games from WBIE (LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4), Disney Interactive Studios (LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean), and LucasArts (LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars).
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Making the storm troopers all be the clone of Bobba Fett completely took out any feelings of care for the empire that anyone had secretly harbored, remember the scene in clerks where they talked about if it could have been wrong to blow the death star up because of innocent people working on it?
Episode II and III deliver such captivating locales as the gleaming clone hatcheries of rain-swept Kamino, and the fiery lava planet of Mustafar as well as spectacular action sequences like Yoda's unforgettable debut as a lightsaber duelist, the explosive space and ground battles of the Clone Wars, and the dramatic showdown between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
The clones, which have been genetically modified to make them more obedient, are seen by the movie's heroes as little more than another military technology, like battle droids or light sabers. (The clone army apparently plays a role in the downfall of the heroic Jedi Knights, even turning one, Anakin Skywalker, into the evil Darth Vader.) These clone warriors are the ultimate mindless flunkies.
If it was about the filters, the countless clone apps and photo editors that flooded the mobile app stores during 2012 would all be doing sterling business right about now.
"You take the 'Clone Wars' Chewie and put him up against a picture of the 'Star Wars' Chewie and they're nearly identical, " he said.
But ultimately, she would like to avoid the awkward process of collecting egg cells from the northern wombat, and clone the animal instead.
But back in 2006 when Superman Returns hit theaters, the digital clone wasn't asked to emote.
The company has moved into the GroupOn clone territory, too, with its own group-buying e-commerce web site Nuomi, which rolled out in June 2010.
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Rather than churn out family comedies in the vein of the popular Modern Family or attempt to clone the musical dramedy Glee, the networks are approaching the fall season with their hopes pinned on series more akin to Flash Forward and Friends in style.
Instead, they want to use somatic cell nuclear transfer, the same process used to clone Dolly the sheep in 1997, to create embryonic stem cells.
The randomness of the token, meanwhile, is designed to thwart a different kind of fraud, in which the bad guy makes a clone of the credit card.
Gestating in the womb of a different woman would, he said, mean that the developing "clone" would not turn out to be identical to the original.
Meizu, the Chinese Apple clone that has been making headlines this year, was not behind the phone either.
The next pope may not be a clone of the last two, but his views on major doctrinal issues will be similar.
The Veloster is seriously snouty, a consequence of it being a front-drive car with a transverse-mounted engine (the Veloster is very much a mechanical clone of the new Elantra, complete with torsion-beam rear suspension).