Brown was stationed in the school as a result of the community policing program in Richmond.
The former deputy chief said he was "absolutely focussed" on the community policing model introduced by his predecessor, if funds allow.
The PSNI is taking part in a series of community meetings with elected representatives, the District Policing Partnership and community groups before formally applying for planning approval for the helipad.
Responding to the report, a spokesperson for the Policing Board said service delivery was a core issue in this year's policing plan and the development of the Policing with the Community 2020 Strategy.
Since then, he has run four police departments, as well as the Justice Department's Office of Community Policing during the Clinton administration.
So far, the community-focused policing strategy has yielded positive results.
On the strength of this, Muditha Pussalla has since been promoted to the rank of Superintendent and made director of community policing for the whole of Sri Lanka.
The government has requested Mr Roberts maintain the force's focus on community policing while keeping crime levels among the lowest in the British Isles.
When he was appointed, Mr Roberts was tasked by the government with maintaining the force's focus on community policing while keeping crime levels on the Island among the lowest in the British Isles.
The move followed PSNI consultation with the community and a series of discussions between the Policing Board and police on the issue.
The experts they called in explained the basic principles of effective community policing.
Operational officers from the Road Policing Branch and Community Patrol Officers from the west of Edinburgh will be the first to use the new system.
BBC: Lothian and Borders Police are to use hand-held computers
Cllr Hanna, who chairs the East Belfast Policing and Community Safety Partnership, said she would not be intimidated by "fascist elements with no respect for democracy".
Elaine Bertenshaw from Lytham St Annes who is a volunteer for Lancashire Constabulary was also appointed MBE for services to policing and the community as was Burnley's Emma Hamlen, a volunteer for the youth offending team, for services to young people in Lancashire and Jacqueline McGrew, chair of Whitebirk Residents' Association in Blackburn, for services to the community.
The SDLP's Conall McDevitt added that he believed that the assembly had missed an opportunity to make it a legal requirement for statutory agencies to cooperate with community policing interventions, in the passing of the Justice Bill earlier in the year.
Police then establish a permanent base in the favela with officers trained in community policing.
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Also appointed MBE is special constable John Tupman for services to policing and to the community in Marlborough.
Mrs Lawrence said the trust would campaign for fairer community policing.
Residents report that a police officer moving into a neighborhood serves as a deterrent to criminal activity and the program forms a basis for community policing.
However, Basil McCrea speaking to the UUP amendment to delegate greater resources to Community Safety Partnerships and District Policing Partnerships, said that the DUP motion had not been stood up by evidence or argument.
The Principles of Policing introduced by Robert Peel in the 1820s emphasise the community-based rather than authoritarian approach that has been the bedrock of our police services (as opposed to forces).
The project, run by Neighbourhood Policing teams, will fully train volunteers from the local community to monitor vehicle speeds in their area.
The Association of Chief Police Officers said improving career structures is the answer, not cutting back on community policing.
He specifically attacked what he saw as the watering down of the proposed powers of a community-controlled policing board.
On policing if people had said a few years ago that we would get cross-community support for policing with the Nationalists willing to participate and to support policing, we were told that was impossible.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Dr John Reid MP, Secretary for Northern Ireland
"The ability to use modern technology to improve communication and information sharing between police and the community on crime issues is a force multiplier that is more relevant and needed than ever before, " said Todd Miller, Director of Public Safety, Mankato, MN Department of Public Safety and Chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Community Policing Section.
ENGADGET: Connected To The Case to use Facebook for crowd-sourced crime solving
He said the area required no policing whatsoever on non-match days, with one community support officer patrolling the entire area a few times a day as part of a larger beat.
District policing partnerships are made up of councillors and members of the local community, who work alongside the Police Service of Northern Ireland's 29 District Command Units in trying to meet local community policing needs.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Device sent to home of DPP member
What's called stop-and-frisk - it has a lot of other names like community policing - or sort of focusing on, what is it - the broken windows policing as it were?