Last week, I joined Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle for a tour of the Crave Brothers Farm and Dairy in Waterloo, WI.
The Crave brothers, Charles, George, Thomas and Mark, showed us some of the ways they are using modern sustainable technology to power their farm and make tasty cheese at the same time!
Some of the more outlandish elephant behaviours also suggest that the beasts crave the stuff.
Yet these three countries, whose approval the Democrats crave, are responsible for the hopelessly diluted and useless inspection regime that now exists.
Snus is a pouch of tobacco that gives smokers the nicotine they crave without the myriad harmful chemicals that come from burning and inhaling tobacco.
Japan's population may be shrinking, but the Japanese crave bigger homes like everyone else.
For investors this treadmill is disastrous, with their assets slowly getting gobbled up by the very volatility they crave, the authors say.
Somewhere in the coverage of Bo's purging I heard a sinologist opine that what the Chinese crave above all else in their political system is stability, and this too sounded oddly familiar.
The simple truth is that most people crave the pressure that produces passion.
The company has no reason to lower prices as it will have the products that consumers crave later in the year.
But the Nordic crime writers understand that the more interconnected the world is, the more people crave a sense of place the more distinctive and unusual the better.
The reason: Hemorrhaging 401ks and massive layoffs make guys crave the security of the old and familiar.
The product, in various forms, essentially supplies the drug smokers crave nicotine without the toxic, deadly smoke.
FORBES: The EU's New Tobacco Directive: Protecting Cigarette Markets, Killing Smokers
We're just wondering which company will snap this up to tap into the ever-burgeoning market of harried pet chicken owners who crave the ability to give their KFC a little TLC.
ENGADGET: You got to know your chicken, and you can do it through the web
After all, what good are 100 HD channels if the ones you crave aren't included?
Inhaling tobacco actually increases the number of receptors in the brain that crave nicotine.
And he's remade Dell's product line with slicker designs and more of the laptops consumers crave.
As it is, they must come by the attention they crave in more difficult, unorthodox ways.
FORBES: Keystone XL and New York Fracking Delays - "Mass Hysteria!"
"People crave the excitement of being with other people in interesting environments, " he says.
The unrestricted sections of the autobahn attract people from all over the world who crave a high-speed adrenaline rush.
Mr Aso also appears to crave the prestige of attending the G8 summit in Italy in July.
We crave the social connections and the conveniences provided by information exposure, and tend to prioritize that over privacy concerns.
FORBES: Wired UK Tries To Creep Out Readers With Invasive Personalized Covers
Meantime, the Iranian opposition virtually begs Washington not to confer any legitimacy on the regime, and the democracy demonstrators crave American support.
It is a move that was sure to please the North Koreans, showing them the respect they crave, without costing America anything.
We will again crave the thrill of illusion, of artifice and fantasy.
Instead of the clarity we crave, we get ambiguity and more uncertainty.
In times of flux, he argues, people crave the reassurance of religion.
While this Machiavellian control might have some short term gain, in the long term top talent will seek the freedom they crave elsewhere.
Whether you crave the secrets of savoury sauces or a taste of Southern elegance, this escape serves up a feast you won't soon forget.
You've got a lot more room to work with now, so give us the data we crave, like storage meters, PIP, and network-enabled information overlays.