But tackling the crisis head-on requires energy and luck, and many here lack both.
But I am concerned about how Obama will handle the crisis in the Middle East.
Whitehall program, for example, hasn't tried to raise any new property funds since the crisis.
There was a survey released Friday that showed continued European gloom over the crisis.
To strengthen our economy, we also need to address the crisis in health care.
CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech
So middle-class families were generally having a very difficult time even before the crisis hit.
In other words, how do you build that into a strategy to manage the crisis?
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Now the crisis enters a stage that has the capacity to shake society to its core.
Both hope stricter rules would not only resolve the crisis but ensure it does not recur.
The lax regulatory regime made it possible for the crisis to happen--but it wasn't the cause.
ECB's broad acceptance of collateral before the crisis may actually have added fuel to the fire.
China and India, two countries with such controls, have escaped the worst effects of the crisis.
For Goldman, however, trading enabled it to rebound from the depths of the crisis.
Don't underestimate the importance of having a single organization at the center of the crisis.
He said calls were being made to all political faction leaders to contain the crisis.
In the light of the crisis, anything less than a radical re-think would be negligent.
Whatever their differences, the crisis in the eurozone will put them under huge pressure to compromise.
And it is the basis of the crisis that is now engulfing the Eurozone.
Mr Cameron said eurozone leaders needed to take swift action to resolve the crisis over Greece.
Let's Talk is run by Bill Donovan, who also directs the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Anchorage.
Mr Barzani said "distrust" of Baghdad's judicial system was hampering efforts to resolve the crisis.
Support for the euro is even stronger, including in countries at the heart of the crisis.
Mr Tremonti appears reluctant to embark on any major policy changes during the crisis.
Spain brings more sharply into focus one of the fundamental questions of the crisis.
Some European officials - who last year declared the crisis over - are hopeful once again.
In June, Slovenia and Croatia formally seceded from Yugoslavia, bringing the crisis to a head.
Washington also wants to avoid Iran using the crisis to further leverage in the region.
That mix of pragmatism and idealism was put to the test during the crisis in Egypt.
It is widely believed in Brussels that "light Anglo-Saxon regulation" has contributed to the crisis.
Yet creating a rigid "Europe of Rules" is exactly the German-led strategy for managing the crisis.