The precarious state of the economy and fall in industrial production cannot be attributed solely to the financial crisis in Russia.
The economic crisis in Russia has implications reaching far beyond Moscow, St Petersburg and Novgorod.
The Dow took off, and when there were unsettling developments in other parts of the world, like the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and crises in Russia and Brazil the following year, it kept rising anyway.
Even in the current climate of crisis, opposition forces in the Duma, Russia's parliament, are in no great hurry to help the government mend the economy (see article).
The crisis in Syria urgently requires agreement between Russia and the United States if any UN-backed diplomatic initiative is to make headway, says the BBC's Jonathan Marcus in Munich.
This risk-management system apparently proved itself during the crisis in financial markets that followed Russia's default on its sovereign debt last August.
The MSCI China and the MSCI Russia are both down from pre-crisis levels registered in 2007.
In the recent crisis over Iraq, Russia could not have prevented America from striking Iraq, if America had so decided.
For one thing, even the crisis in Georgia has not been enough to shock the EU into a common position on Russia.
ECONOMIST: Europe frets about its place in a different world order
He said they were also discussing co-operation in the banking and energy sectors, adding that any deal to solve the island's debt crisis should also be in Russia's interests.
Suspicion has been growing in Russia that Europe is using the crisis to target Russian money in Cyprus, the BBC's Steve Rosenberg in Moscow says.
The country felt the brunt of the crisis in comparison with its big emerging market peers because Russia is dependent on oil and gas export revenues to fill government coffers.
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Despite the "colossal challenge" of the 2007-08 global financial crisis, average incomes had risen in Russia, Mr Putin said.
President Yeltsin is returning from holiday to the Kremlin after sacking his government, as political and economic crisis deepens in Russia.
Belarus has been struggling to pay for electricity from Russia thanks to a severe economic crisis in the former Soviet republic.
Well, Russia's UN Ambassador, Vitali Churkin, said that Russia was introducing the resolution because it said the crisis in Lebanon is reaching what he called catastrophic proportions.
Russia, who defaulted on its debt and sent the world into crisis in 1997, now wants a say in internal U.S. monetary policy.
Ukraine and Georgia have been promised membership eventually but in practical terms that would create a new crisis with Russia and the issue might be left hanging for a number of years.
In Russia, several papers unite in blaming France, the US and other European countries for the crisis.
There will, in particular, be several very interesting discussions about the European debt crisis and the political and economic future of Russia.
FORBES: Live from Ukraine and the Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting
World powers have urged Russia to agree to an immediate cease-fire with Georgia and accept international mediation on the crisis in South Ossetia.
CNN: Bush to Russia: Reverse 'unacceptable' course in Georgia