Now the crisis enters a stage that has the capacity to shake society to its core.
They may form part of the answer as to why GDP has not mirrored employment in the most recent stage of the financial crisis.
BBC: More in employment but the way we work is also changing
Had the capital controls been imposed at an early stage in the crisis, Malaysia would now be struggling.
Broadly, the resolution of the Crisis involves a four-stage process: stabilizing the currency, lowering interest rates, restructuring the financial sector and, finally, kick-starting the economy.
Mr Paulson and Mr Bernanke are attempting to prevent the crisis from reaching that stage.
The problems reached a crisis stage in 1984, when Cat was losing a million dollars a day.
The dollar was in demand as investors concerned about the next stage of the euro-zone debt crisis fled currencies and markets deemed relatively risky.
Gold's surge may indicate that investors fear the next stage of the crisis will occur in the foreign-exchange markets.
Keino was appointed to head the so-called Normalisation Committee formed at a meeting on 9 July in Zurich to resolve the crisis that triggered Kenya's ban from the international stage.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Blatter to meet Kenya minister
Not only does it set the stage for another crisis just a few months from now, Democrats complain, but it also rigs future negotiations on reducing the deficit in the Republicans' favour.
Congress set the stage for the crisis by legislating housing policies for which they had no understanding of the economic consequences and then legislating remedies which miss the mark and promise instead, a whole new set of problems.
FORBES: Financial Crisis: Clinton Rooted, Bush Fed, Obama Watered
Richard Gallo, the group's lobbyist, said "imminent risk" occurs when a patient reaches "a crisis stage, " and the association has proposed an amendment to say that.
Friedman and Shultz agree that the 1995 IMF bailout of Mexico set the stage for the present East Asian crisis.
In Europe, it looks like the European Union has been successful again in at least kicking the eurozone debt crisis down the road, and perhaps even setting the stage this time for its eventual permanent solution.
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The leaders of companies need to realize that any major crisis will put them on stage, with the public paying close attention.
At no stage since the financial crisis have developed economies grown very strongly.
He worried it was just a matter of time before the leukemia mutated further into the rapidly fatal "blast crisis" stage.
If Portugal's request was predictable, the outcome of this latest stage in the euro area's sovereign-debt crisis is less easy to gauge.
These ill omens arrived in July, before the latest stage of the debt market crisis that may well have impacted European consumers even more.
So is that because the crisis has reached some new and more appalling stage and now there is nothing left to do but watch all public finances crumble?
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With Europe's economic crisis dominating the backroom discussions, and often taking center stage in the cavernous Conference Center, captains of industry, titans of finance and top academics found themselves forced to grapple with unusual feelings of impotence.
The question, adds Blanchard, is how Europe can stage a U.S.-style recovery despite a crisis in confidence across much of the Continent.
CNN: Fast, medium or slow: Which economic speed is your country?
Bad news: the next stage of the never-ending saga that is the eurozone crisis could depend on some arcane bits of monetary policy and some not very attractive words.
Instead, one industry after another has shifted new investment to non-Japan Asia, where currencies are more dependable, the legacy burden of retirees is lighter and national debts are not at a crisis stage.
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During the financial crisis, the credit default swap (CDS) market, a part of the OTC derivatives market, took center stage as difficulties in financial markets began to intensify and the counterparty risk involved in a largely bilaterally cleared market became apparent.