Charlotte followed six years later, soon after marrying the village curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls.
Join the editors of FORBES as we curate the 2011 Most Powerful 100 Women in the World.
The participants debated the challenges of differentiation versus commodization, the goal of launching less phones but more consumer choice, perhaps by offering hardware customization options, and the best ways to curate and deliver personal content to the cloud.
ENGADGET: CES 2012 sets all-time records for attendance, exhibitors and claimed floor space
Saatchi doesn't curate the sales site or take a cut of online revenues.
And which brands are we going to trust to curate the content?
Beyond delivering spot-on search results and insightful recommendations, M-GO has a stable of entertainment experts to curate the content and help cut through the clutter to get the entertainment that is just right for each person.
ENGADGET: M-GO video on-demand movie service launches, streams to PCs, Samsung and Vizio players
With boots strapped, we can look forward to some new features, such as the option to curate messages that are published (such as during live events) plus tweets with interactive features like polls during live sports games.
And Ford will curate all the content generated by the bloggers and other Fiesta-driving digerati on a new web site.
FORBES: This Time Ford Fiesta Movement Aims At Selling More Fiestas
The Flipboard app allows users to curate topics of interest to them and display them in one of the slickest app experiences out there.
The Pixel Web makes it easy to produce and curate content, while D-commerce is the vehicle by which the products are getting distributed and discovered.
FORBES: D-Commerce And The Pixel Web: The Future Of E-tailing
All members of the community can create, curate, package and promote ideas.
As for sister digital station BBC 6 Music, comedian Kathy Burke and film-maker and actor Harry Shearer will curate shows in the run up to Red Nose Day.
When Sears went into the art business, the company hired Vincent Price to curate.
FORBES: Costco Is Now Selling Matisse. Why Not Take On Gagosian Gallery?
For its launch, Google asked celebrities (including fashion plates Carey Mulligan and the Olsen twins), fashion bloggers and retailers to curate their own boutiques, which cull items from e-commerce sites all over the web.
FORBES: Google's New Fashion Site Launches, Without Boutiques from Sergey Brin and Larry Page
And they expect retailers to curate their assortments to offer the best value and experiences available.
Most people carefully curate their pages to present the most interesting and exciting parts of their lives.
The purpose of NPR Music is to curate music and champion their taste.
Last week I was back in New Orleans for my first visit in 20 years, and although in town to curate a photography exhibition for the New Orleans Photo Alliance, I was also there to take my own photographs of a city I knew to be incredibly photogenic and full of warm-hearted, fun-loving people.
Images posted to a Pastebin page suggest the hacking group accessed some sites by attacking the databases many companies use to catalogue and curate website content.
Both Instagram and Pinterest have brought a greater visual element to social networking, further reinforcing the idea that people (especially younger people) want to curate and then share who they are and what their lives are about with their communities online.
FORBES: Want to Sell Your Company for a Billion Dollars? Do One of These Two Things
The company is also working on tools for outsiders to more effectively curate videos, and create followings for their personal taste, he said.
Yoko Ono is to curate next year's Meltdown festival, following in the footsteps of stars such as David Bowie, Ray Davies and Jarvis Cocker.
Following in the style of trailblazers such as and MentorMob, which let you create your own newspapers and playlists from news stories, pictures and videos, is the new kid on the block, in a growing list of sites that lets people curate their own Web space.
At both the manufacturer level and in retailing, success belongs to those businesses which curate with an intense eagle-eye that puts customer interests firmly in first place.
Reverend Joe Kinsella, curate at St Peter and St Paul Church, said he believed the issue "could be resolved".
One runs a risk when separating groups of people out of the general population, and I see this when I publish a book or curate an exhibit on women.
FORBES: Cartoons By Women Around The World Are A Needed Perspective
Cheezburger has become so popular because of the broader social media shift to entertainment and content that makes it easy for people curate and create their own content.
FORBES: Cheezburger's Ben Huh: Content Will Be Short, Interactive And LOLworthy [SXSW]
Friends Reunited's team believe they have identified a gap, highlighted by the recent whirlwind success of image sharing site Pinterest, in which people like to curate material that means something to them.
BBC: Friends Reunited relaunches site with 'nostalgia' focus
To escape the sense that Instagram's feed is merely a snapshot of the past few hours, Systrom said his developers are working to find better ways to curate older content.
CNN: Instagram wants photos to be seen beyond '10-hour' window
The earlier mentioned Fast Company article suggests that the way to capture higher value is for creative strategists to evolve from story-tellers to story-builders, meaning they curate, participate, and add to never-ending story-lines in co-creation with the end individuals.