Mr. LeMond, who wasn't discussed at length in the interview, said Mr. Armstrong evaded details on the show.
The documents show details of daily life, such as how heavy wax candles were a crucial purchase in order for 15th century worshippers to see the Eucharist during Mass.
The project was commissioned by longtime Lucasfilm producer Rick McCallum, who enlisted writers such as "Battlestar Galactica's" Ron Moore and swore them to NDA secrecy on the plot details (more on the show's storyline below).
The director, who said it would be impossible to keep details of the show secret, said he was trying to represent something of everyone's dreams in the ceremony and hoped viewers would "find something of themselves" in what they saw.
BBC: London 2012: Olympics opening ceremony details revealed
Hill agreed, saying Trion pushed SyFy to think about larger details earlier when the show producers wanted to work in character details.
The collaborators have released few details about what form the show will actually take.
Living in NYC at the time, I had been encouraged by friends to perform in my own one woman show, (much like Big Fat Greek Wedding) but the details of getting such a show produced etc. was intimidating to me.
FORBES: Christine Gambito: 5 Questions For A YouTube Woman Of Power
Julie Zhuo, director of design, takes over to show the details.
FORBES: LIVE: Facebook Launches New News Feed Design With Bigger Images, Choice Of Feeds
There's not word on pricing for the Pro Controller or whether the system will be released in both black and white just yet, but we'll be sure to bring you more details from the show floor at E3 when we have them.
ENGADGET: Nintendo teases Wii U Pro Controller, black Wii U hardware (update: video)
The authors show that, although details may vary, banking crises follow the same broad script.
Nintendo said it will announce more details at the E3 trade show, to be held June 15-17 in Los Angeles, California.
Truth for Fermor lay in the details, and his books show the same straining eye for the small fact, the telling minutiae.
Venerable watering holes such as MarvinGardens, Dutch Goose, Beefy's Cabin and the Orchid Room pull decent crowds not just on Fridays, but weekdays and Sundays as well, in and around wealthy enclaves such as Palo Alto and Menlo Park (for more details, see the slide show, compiled with help from tips by locals, and a former bartender turned media type).
And for those who still haven't been put off after reading about the process, there's an on-line application form with full details of how to get on the show.
Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman told the Andrew Marr Show she would have to wait to see the full details of the proposals on Thursday before giving her verdict.
BBC: Long-term jobless 'could face compulsory manual labour'
Since so little was conveyed by Ned Stark during Season 1, we need someone like Selmy to convey some of the important details unless, for reasons bizarre and unimaginable, the show has decided to avoid the backstory altogether.
There are no other details about the upcoming movie and television show.
The associated slide show lists the 10 cities in America having the worst traffic jams and details the average amount of time lost forever while stuck in traffic (compared to driving when cars are at their normal pace).
Democrats know that whatever any additional returns show, they can highlight the details of tax breaks and other accounting maneuvers by the multimillionaire Romney to bolster the perception they seek to exploit that he represents society's fat cats.
Tesla used the space to show off the 2010 Roadster, which we still don't have full details on, but have heard features slightly improved circuitry, a locking glove box, and WiFi to enable remote, wireless diagnostics.
Mr Barber, who has worked at the shop for 45 years, said the ledgers contained details of wages and other transactions to do with the business and his father would look at them and show them to customers.
State Department officials did not provide details about the reported threat targeting Madonna's Thursday show.
He needed a presentation tool that allowed him to show the big picture as well as dive into the details.
There's more information displayed up front too, with expanded descriptions, and details below each show so viewers can find out about the episode that's on more easily.
ENGADGET: Google TV's TV and Movies app gets to know you better with ratings, favorites and more
Details of the Iraq Study Group's upcoming report are beginning to show up in the media.
He declined to provide details, but his comments show Malaysia's growing impatience with the situation.
It'll use your phone's data to show weather info on the Edge's display, and share details of your ride to social networks.
Looks like Nintendo didn't want to wait for its proper E3 press conference to spill some Wii U details early -- it just used its preview event to show the finished version of the Wii U controller, called the Gamepad, as well as a TV remote app.
ENGADGET: Nintendo shows final Wii U Gamepad, TV remote app (update: video)
Mr. Marquis, the Oregon DA, said that even small details, like a person's favorite show, could say something about them.
WSJ: Searching for Details Online, Lawyers Facebook the Jury