Then the dotcom bubble burst and Doubleclick sold its ad network business to Max Worldwide.
FORBES: Jonah Goodhart's MOAT: Building the Digital Dashboard to Growing Brands Online
After the dotcom bubble burst in 2001, many firms turned to Linux and other open-source software to save money.
ECONOMIST: Open-source software in the recession: Born free | The
The exceptions, however, have occurred when the world economy has slowed unexpectedly most notably in 1998, after the Asian crisis, and in 2001, after the dotcom bubble burst.
The dotcom bubble has burst, but not the bubble in the broader stockmarket.
ECONOMIST: Capitalism and its troubles
By mid-2001 the dotcom bubble had burst and Arzoo had folded.
CNN: 'Mr Hotmail' seeks new challenges
It's important to remember that the dotcom bubble had just burst and many people were mistaking this stock market meltdown for an internet meltdown.
BBC: HMV: How the top dog lost its bite